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Over 90 days ago


Warming the Bed
Have you ever seen the little film made of Dylan doing Subterrranean Homesick Blues?
Warming the Bed
I will snog you with great amounts of gusto anytime because you are so fab.
Warming the Bed
Rather then hijack the thread from Jags - it occured to me that I need a snog too. Any willing participants please snog me. And instead of a slap you can have one of my extra special tickles.
Warming the Bed
But I thought there was only one idiot with the dick-pic. Better lock this thread too then ... and we'll say no more on this matter, I take it all back Jags and would like to be your friend from now on!
Warming the Bed
As the previous topic is now locked. I feel slightly disgruntled by the remarks posted by Jags about, I can only presume, my previous Avatar. On joining this site, I was not aware of any such rule, and obliged immediately when advised that the image might be deemed offensive. But I haven't dissappeared - just reinvented myself in a different guise. If anyone wants to see the idiot with the dick pic, I thought it was very lovely and I would be happy to share it on request.
Warming the Bed
Hmmmm much to dwell on and all a bit confusing. Some women find me foul - others, kinda cute. depending on my Avatar. Is there a middle-road methinks, one that is cheeky, audacious and witty yet still sophisticated and gentile ... Perhaps a poll would be a good exercise. But six identities....Tis hard enough to have one. I will dwell on this some more, perhaps even sleep on it.
Warming the Bed
BLIMEY - Demi you're on a looser here baby. I think should bow out gracefully now. Admit that you can't take a joke ... and say sorry for being so aggressive and touchy. And then we can all kiss and make up.
Warming the Bed
Having followed this thread with slight astonishment, I feel I have to interject with some suitable remark. Demi - If you feel abused in any way by crap responses to your request - then on behalf of all randy sad lonely men - I guess they just get a bit over excited by the prospects on offer and do not have a clue how to reply. Personally I would love to take you up, but also feel slightly inadequate in knowing quite what the right thing would be to say. I probably would also make some kind of jestful remark which would inadvertantly disguise my genuine intend.
As for the Sarge, well do you really think humour is appropriate on this ever-so-sensitive- serious forum for discussion!
And as for you Sapho- well try not to splutter any more coffee as certain members here might take this as a sign of your over-active and uncontrollable sex-drive!
Warming the Bed
Well a mixed reaction - certainly not convincing enough to make me feel comfortable going out looking like some kingd od demented bollocks to the testicle face Avatar - Im going back to this more mature and sophisticated one!
Warming the Bed
Would like to join in with this thread but .... so far this hasn't happened to me yet.
Warming the Bed
Cant believe nobody's drinking Tequila! Can't beat a proper Margarita if you want to feel bright eyed, bushy tailed .... and completely pissed!
This post wasn't meant to appear as a new topic- I fucked up. It obviously was supposed to feature as a pointless remark in the question posed: What's you poison. Am trying to delete but can only edit....
Warming the Bed
I too am experiecing a similar Avater identity crisis and also believe that it may take other people to help one get this right. Personally I think the Duck from Hell is not only inspired but has an inner presence of being which could possibly be mortally offended if it was now withdrawn. And as such could become incredibally nasty to other Avatars such as me. And, as you can see - in my present incarnation, I am particularly vulnerable. I say Keep the Duck - don't make it angry!
Warming the Bed
Can't seem to get this Avatar thing quite right. Its a bit like going out and wondering which jacket to wear...and as Im new here I dont really want to stand out and look silly. Wondered if this Avatar is ok?
Warming the Bed
I'd be talking balls if I was to offer any advice on this matter.
Warming the Bed
about time someone threw in The Idiot by a little known Russian author - Dostoyevsky
Warming the Bed
I think your Avatar and my original Avatar should get together - I know they'd have alot of fun!
Warming the Bed
Well even the mighty Hephaesteus cannot conjure such an errection. And why is an image of an errect phallus with the words 'greetings,' daubed in blue upon it, considered vulgar? Then again, if you put it like that - maybe it is!
Warming the Bed
It will be our little secret Sarge and there will be something far more suitable and sophisticated in its place by the morning. Shame as I thought this was a cut above your average dick pic - it certainly stood out. But I dont want to get off to a bad start with the Sarge and will banish the offending aricle from this forum forever. Out dam dick-pic, never to return. I shall now muse on what to put in its place and in half an hour peace should be restored to all good fellows and fellowessess here at SH.
Warming the Bed
Having gone to a small amount of trouble and created my own avatar which I am not sure about at all. If you think its a bit full-on please tell me and I will readdress this. If on the other hand, you like it, then it would also be nice to know.
Warming the Bed
If Im not mistaken I am one of the twelve Olympian Gods and I got a thing going with Aphrodite wherever she is. And yes, Vulcan is the same kind of thing but I think Im more refined because I can make incredible things and he's more of a war-mongering oaf. And what I was going to say was - what a pleasant bunch of (I shall never use the word idiot ever again) daffodils we all are - and im honoured to be amongst you. As for rules, perhaps I will just have cross them off as a go along.