However last night soon to be 51yr old ex-mother in law asked me i f i would call to set up the wireless broadband they had just invested in,dad-in-law not VG with PCs,cracking golfer and fisherman and cooks a mean curry,but it ends there,also he currently in South Carolina on a golf break,so Ma-in -law home alone.
Took an hour or so to set it all up and laptop off e-bay(god help them)
Ma opened a bottle of red wine and chatted as i tweaked away-WHAT THE F*%# :shock: i was cleaning the drive and opened IE history folder,literally hundreds of porn sites logged and sex activity related,this one included and the page that me and the wife had was downloaded in its entirety-SPEECHLESS !

Then embarassed when i realised Ma had seen my discovery and came over,no shame or shyness just said like us she too had to enjoy life and know Pa had problems with his plumbing she found fantasia,with a little help from younger work colleagues-But Ma-in-law: didn`t seem right somehow(but that makes me a hypocrite)
She then gleefully lent forward and began showing me in awe some of the things this internet thingy(her words not mine) gave you access to even opening pics of my willy,i searched for the hole to crawl into.
To cut this saga short though what evolved was brushing of erect nipples over face (Ma would have been a babe when younger but was still a sexy,voluptuous mature woman who always dressed,looked and smelled perfect but had put on a little weight which made her bosom approx 40DD

I have had a long cold shower on returning home disgusted i had performed

Q? Have i committed the unspeakable and should be stoned at dawn,with reasons for and against to try and ease my concience and would it be immoral to have a rematch?
Steve :bounce: