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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 58
Bisexual Female, 56
0 miles · West Midlands


Please add us to the list Loz, Hotel is booked

Great night Loz , looking forward to the next one

Quote by _loz_
Quote by Hol

In a nice way can you put us down too please also any idea when it will be confirmed coz of booking hotel 


Trace n Mark  xx

Lots of us have booked hotels as it is sounding as if all restrictions will be lifted soon. We just have to be sensible and hope people have had both Jabs before the event.
Hotel booked xx

We are in Brighton until Friday if any of you lovely people fancy meeting up for drinks 

In a nice way can you put us down too please also any idea when it will be confirmed coz of booking hotel 


Trace n Mark  xx

We are thinking of going into  brum centre tonight  is anyone else going to be out n about  and looking to meet up

Quote by _loz_
One handbag left at the club and 2 coats went home without their owners so if anyone can shed any light on this please DM me. 
Got  my coat back  cant find mr hols tho   anyone know where he went  lol   Liam  have u got him 

All lost items have been reunited with their owners am very pleased to say smile 


we will deffinately be there  these are great nights with great people .............Look forward to it

Quote by goldie69
hi guys we can been a couple of times masplomas princess is a good family hotel or hotel bontia .. for  adults only there was some at playa ingals .. let know if you get sorted as we might join you out there x good luck sam & Shaz 

 Thanks  have  messaged you  x

we are looking to  holiday in Gran Canaria in June/July 2020  hoping to find a good adult only hotel in or close to maspalomas if you have any recommendations please get in

Can you put us on the list too please Loz  hotel booked  lol

Thanks for another great social Loz and Beth and Try for  the usual great music enjoyed the night and Beth I am so sorry that I had to bring the other half ha ha   look forward to the next one  xxxxxxxxxx

Anyone out and about in Birmingham City Centre tonight .If so  and you fancy meeting up  why not mail us .

Hi Loz  just letting you know  have paid now so when you get a min check to make sure you have got it.  


M & T

We will be in Benidorm from 3rd Aug til 13th if you are going to be there at the same time why not get in touch and maybe we could meet up . 

M & T 

We will be in Benidorm for 10 nights from 3rd August. if you are there at the same time why not get in touch and we could  meet up whilst there .

We will be in Blackpool with a single male friend  this weekend  19th - 22nd April  If anyone fancies meeting up for drinks why not drop us a line and  we can meet up for  drinks,dancing  laughs etc 

We are heading in to town later if you fancy meeting up for drinks and a laugh why not message us and maybe meet up 

We are out tonight  30th March for drinks  if anyone is about in Birmingham and wants to hook up for a drink or 3 message us  .we don't bite and its always great to meet up with like minded people couples or singles .

Put us on the list too please Loz  I promise I will control hubby   xx

Sorry but we are unable to make this social now ,Please remove us from the list  ..We look forward to seeing you in Feb  that is if there is a Feb social xxx

we were thinking of Broad Street however if we get a few replies and any have suggestions for elsewhere we will  deciide a final location based on where the majority of people would prefer to go.

I did ask Suede head to put this up but said he couldn't organise a wank so we will have a are looking to meet up in Birmingham centre for a night of fun and drinks with some of you lovely you are free on the 8th why not come out to play .These nights used to be a regular thing and were always great nights,let's see if we can get some of the good times back.

If you are interested reply below ,hopefully we will get a good crowd for an excellent night out

M & T 

We are off to Benidorm next weekend for 10 nights,anyone else going to be there during our you are and fancy meeting up while there why not get in touch .

M & T