Cockring wearers and admirers Public 322 322 Members 88 88 Posts 72 72 Media A group for guys who lover wearing cockrings and cockstraps and those that love to see them on nice cocks!
Gloryhole Owners & Cocks4Them2Use Public 2.2k 2.2k Members 261 261 Posts 62 62 Media Group for males/females who have their own private gloryholes and guys who are willing to visit and allow their cocks/balls to be used anonymously by them....
Real London Fuck Buddies Public 697 697 Members 75 75 Posts 52 52 Media Too many timewasters around. This is a group for people seeking no commitment, hassle free, uncomplicated adult fun in London.
Rubber/Latex Public 529 529 Members 42 42 Posts 28 28 Media people that are into rubber fetish clothing for meets and clubs
Shiny Public 345 345 Members 31 31 Posts 19 19 Media For people who love shiny fetish stuff - leather, pvc, rubber, latex etc