Thanks for organising a great night sass and thanks for my cards and birthday wishes
and special thanks for bouncy and sassi for the best birthday cake ever!
Personally those that didnt turn up wernt missed! those that mattered were all there!
See some of you next week but others see you soon!!!!
Off to bed now feeling very very sick!
love you all xxx
10 days and counting!
Room booked check
Dress check
Killer heels check
Alcohol check
ohhh ought to think about getting Stevie something lol
confirmed???? does that mean Im coming?
No babe!!!! good things come to those that wait!
Im glad i wasnt sitting next to u on th coach home!
All being well Steve will be better for the Oxford Bash but at the moment he's in hopsital and we dont really know whats happening or when he will be home.
He is fine now, getting very bored but having some tests tomorrow so hopefully we will know whats happening, alls good though and i will keep u posted.
If we're not going i will have a room to sell for the Friday and Saturday night, can't say where but those that are going will know where it is!
If anyone is interested in the room then let me know by mail, but Im holding on to it for the time being... living in hope.
can me and stevie come please?
Jus xxx
Was great to see u the other day bab... will come see u again when your home... You had us very very worried!
Its all good now for 2010!!
love you and keep ya chin up
Jus xx
Thanks for a fantastic weekend - as always you do us proud Jen and Mandy
Love to everyone!
Jus and Steve xxx
Me and Steve are gonna try really hard to come!
Thanks - was wicked as always
Love to u all
Im soooo tired!!!!!