I can't believe there's been this level of interest in The Matrix. If I weren't a right-on, PC, each-to-his/her-own type of guy, I'd say all were three were a load of shite.
*Ducking for cover*
Here I go again, stumbling in halfway through (near the end?) of a discussion thread. For what it's worth ........
If your weight's affecting your health, do something about it. If it isn't, do whatever feels right to you.
Some guys prefer women with a little extra. (Like me, for example.) Some guys find it a turn-off. Some women look down on other women who're carrying extra weight; some women sympathise.
Who cares? Anybody who judges another person by the way they look is somebody whose opinion doesn't matter a tuppeny fart, so don't waste time canvassing it.
Relax, be happy, enjoy your own body and there'll be plenty of others who will share your opinion of yourself.
Here endeth the lesson.
For now.
Oh gawd ... just found this thread. (Must be calm, must NOT spend rest of day adding title after title .....)
LOTR, obviously - "One Book To Rule Them All ....."
Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, by Hunter S Thompson
Towards the End of the Morning, by Michael Frayne
Trainspotting, by Irvine Welsh
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
The Queen's Gambit, by Walter Tevis
The Player of Games, by Iain T. Banks
Mission, by Patrick Tilley
Pop. 1280, or anything else by Jim Thompson.
As for non-fiction ..... Jesus, what have you people DONE to me??? I'm off to work (sobbing piteously).
Australian definition of foreplay: "Brace yourself, Charlene!"
Dammit, I'm SO pissed off that Mr Writer beat me to it with Jimmy Webb's Wichita Lineman. However, you missed out the lovely next line ....
(And I need you more than want you)
And I want you for all time.
Awwwww ... gorgeous, innit?
I also swooned over Essex Nympho's choice. (Mind you, that MIGHT be because I've seen her ad/pics, and just want to ingratiate myself ..... *drooling*).
May I add one to the list?
Those signs in the backs of cars that read "Baby On Board - Keep Your Distance".
Makes me think: "Well OK, then, under the circumstances I'll revise my original plan, which was to ram you."
Find the right person. Then whatever you eat together is sexy. QED.
Hmmmmm ... that's a dangerous assumption, Frederick. Maybe we're BOTH bizarre .......
Fred was right, waaaaaay back on Page 1 of this increasingly bizarre discussion: Cheryl Baker is a hottie. So's Linda Nolan, and for much the same reason as far as I'm concerned. They just LOOK dirty, somehow. (And I mean "dirty" in the most complimentary sense, needless to say.)
Others who inspire tongue-lolling? Chaka Khan ... lots of flesh, and it moves around most agreeably to my eyes; the actress Ellen Barkin ... that crooked smile does it every time; and, of course, Sophia Loren ... in her prime, preferably, but still looking gorgeous today at the age of 143, or whatever she is.
PS: Nearly forgot Dolly Parton. (Damn ... I blew it at the final fence .....!)
How about Music in the Lounge? You'll be amazed how many pubs/bars/clubs will have a sign in their window advertising YOUR band's name, even if you're not actually playing there ....
Just read your story ... brilliant. You da man!!!
I'm fairly new to this site, but so far there hasn't been any discussion about the Swingers Stories section. Admittedly, some of them are pretty terrible, and most of the rest are ho-hum, but some of them are genuinely erotic. Anyone else have any thoughts?
Also, I like the idea of writing an erotic story to order, so if any members would care to suggest a scenario, I'll have a bash at producing a story based around it.
Hope this suggestion stimulates some interest. (So to speak.)