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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 45
Straight Male, 46


Quote by deancannock
We will be there for sure Try...... but be warned, Mrs J will be drinking !!

oh shit....anyone got a bucket !!!!
Don't be so mean :sad:
Please can you add our names to list........... mrs j can actually have a drink for once (yes thats right we actually have a hotel room) lol
Try...... What a star!!!!! Thank you for organising such a great night :thrilled:
And Dean, I know you just loved my dance moves lol
Hey try, please get us down as confirmed, I've bought my dress and don't want to see it go to waste lol

Hey Ali, It's Mr J's birthday on the 15th too, and my 30th the following weekend........... so think we definately need to come along for some birthday treats and celebrate with you all.
Please add us to your list (birthday kisses all around wink )
Quote by deancannock
Hi Try
We can def come so please put our names down.............and for all those wondering..... no mrs j will not be drinking!!!!!

awwww......damn !!!!
LOL, twos is grateful i'm staying sober and you want me drunk, wonder what you have planned?
Quote by two-4-more
Hi Try
We can def come so please put our names down.............and for all those wondering..... no mrs j will not be drinking!!!!!

thank god..... in that case keep our names on the list lol
think i am driving too :cry: mrs2 never drives ..... its safer that way.... like to have me balls not burnt by the food i'm trying to eat on the way home.... sure she did it diliberately
You cheeky git, what you trying to say about mrs j???????
Hi Try
We can def come so please put our names down.............and for all those wondering..... no mrs j will not be drinking!!!!!
Hi Dean
We are definately interested, pleeeeeeeeeeease can you send us details and put our names down.
Thanks xx