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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 58
Straight Male, 52
0 miles · Greater Manchester


Even though I didn't get invited to lezzer fest ffs silly how is one supposed to becum one if I don't get the practice? smile
Hope you have a great day babe.
kells x
Its hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Aghhhhhhh god give me strength to get through the night with these mad mad mad people (and let them NOT corrupt me)
Seeya laterrrrrrrrr
OMG Sara can't beleive ya being sooooooooo picky about 25 days surprised its the same month ffs .......
Don't make us have another in honour of my birthday silly add me to this one yayyyyyyyyyy
erm just checking if I get to go on birthdays honours list as this party is 25 days after my birthday (new Years day for allthose posting cards lol ) and I don't want to miss out on any birthday kisses silly
<--------- Vouches for Kelly ..... erm is that cheating?
Oh hang on Mike vouches for me too so ner ner ner ner ner Sara rolleyes
Right you lot - You know who you are
u'll be sorry when I get to heaven and you lot don't for telling soooooooooo many lies about me!!
I alwayssssssssss behave myself ...... ok admittedly sometimes badly but hey ya never said that.
Kells x
CandJ that was me in shy mode, was I not as angelic as you imagined then? :shock:
Kells typing btw not Mike ... he's the NOISY one lol
PS: For those of you who didn't recognise me ........ I was the shy one in the corner rolleyes
Kells x
What can I say?
I was kissed, felt, groped & publically flogged ........ mmmmmmmmm what a partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Thanx for having us lol and it was fabbbbbbb to put faces (and other things) to names, now we know you are all maddddddddd
Play :- good job my shoes still fit, hope your bra does biggrin
Rob (the chicken):- Ouchhhhhhh my arse still stings ya git :shock:
Right better get on with writing my lines ..... where do I start? mmmmmm
Thanx again sugssssssss Kells & Mike xXx
God help us all if Sara's excited .... Sugs I know its short notice but do you think you should change theme to frogmen/women so we are all safe from Sara??
Just an Idea
guvna Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:22 pm Post subject:
Is it THIS saturday?
I thought it was NEXT saturday.

You can go NEXT Sat if ya like Guv but you'll miss ALLLLLLLLLL the FUN biggrin
OMG Suggggggggggggggs they are scaring me now aghhhhhhh
Sara being EXTRA nice to me and pffffffffft trying to get me to admint she is shy and reserved ffs like thats EVER gonna happen ...sorry Sara already told you you are the loudest maddest person i've ever met in my entire life lol (but lots of fun)
Bonedigger ya can't act casual with Sara about babe, sorry its just won't work but hey we can try.
And Raz ........ Yep god help me in blackpool .. i'll be the quivering wreck in the corner too scared to say boo to a goose :shock:
Cumonnnnnnnnnnnnn Saturday (I need the experience) wink
is very very very scared too bonedigger surprised shhhhhhhhhh don't tell em tho i'll act as if i'm not lol
Seeeeeeeeeeeee Betty hates meeeeeeeeeeee I knew I shouldn't be coming redface is it too late to cancel??????
<gonna cry myself to sleep tonight now betty)
Ya all in deeeeeeeeeeeeep deeeeeeeeeep trouble now I booked my room biggrin
Don't all back out at once hahah
Not sure what i'm coming as yet (mike suggested an angel cos thats what I am awwwwwwww I was impressed till he added the 'with devil horns' to the end of his sentence grrrrrrrrr
would appreciate any suggestions .....Oi betty sensiblle clean ones only :shock:
kells x
<------------ tart intersted here silly put me downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn on the list I mean ffs
Kells x