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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 43


Swinger virgin seeks ladies / couples to show me the ropes!!
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Thanks for your time
Quote by fabio grooverider

Give me a bunch of so called 'CHAVS' any day over a group of stuck up idiots who think their better than everyone else!!

are you on a excercise of how to win friends and infulence people.........
.......and the likelyhood or you swingingand being invited to any parties in the forums after that "sweeping generalisation" would be......... confused confused confused
dude, way to shoot yourself in the foot!!!!!
Please explain to me where I have made a sweeping generalisation as I seem to have missed it rolleyes
I help out at my local youth centre and many of the kids their are what a lot of people here would class as 'CHAVS'. They are some of the nicest people I have met and are both polite and grateful when you help them and speak to them like another human being (Something many of them are Alien too). Just because they dress a particular way I think it's really sad and pathetic to make such a sweeping generalization and think of them as scum mad
Give me a bunch of so called 'CHAVS' any day over a group of stuck up idiots who think their better than everyone else!!