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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 48
0 miles · Gloucestershire


Warming the Bed
Confirming lol
Anyone going to up there Friday night too as I will be if anyone fancies a beer xxx
Warming the Bed
Quote by Funlovers2009
Sooooo glad you've put this on hold as we wouldn't have been able to make it for the usual weekend in June. Glad that Wendy agreed to have us back too! Now I've just got to persuade you to pick a weekend in September that we can do! (7/8/9 or 21/22/23) lol

I agree!!!! One of those would be fab :lol:
Warming the Bed
Well seeing as I'm up north for the two days before seems a bit silly not to stay on one more night!!!
Count me in please lol xxx
Warming the Bed
Booooo I can't make this one, would of been good to catch up with old friends!
Next time wink
Warming the Bed
Hey there......sorry I won't be able to make it now......booo hoooo!!!!
If anyone wants a room at the Premier Inn for £29 just inbox me and I'll give you details. No point it going to waste.
K xxxxx
Warming the Bed
Mrs Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,
Pop me down will ya....might just get my towel out lol
K xxxx
Warming the Bed
Ok so this a little off the cuff and a bit short notice but a few of us were talking and are planning to go to Chams Darlston on Friday 8th October 2010.
Its nothing organised but it would be good to see who wants to come along to join us.....the link to the club is below so let us know if your coming and we can have a little impromptu get together. It will have the prices on there too :bounce:

Sorry this is short notice and I guess a little disorganised but hey something is better than nothing right....get you glad rags on (well towels anyway) and come join us :small-print:
KJ xxxxxxxxx
Warming the Bed
Happy Birth Mr Fun I was gonna get you a present but I figure why spend the money lol
Consider this your "IOU some bum fun" hump:hump:
Have a great day old man :giggle:
K xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Warming the Bed
It would be great of we could have the persons name in the same colour as the text....this is really handy in the old rooms when it gets really busy and is causing a problem already in the new rooms and they are no where near full.
Just a suggestion from ickle old me anyhoo :happy:
K xxxx