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Over 90 days ago


JBW I believe Jags is just pointing out that your lies will come back to bite you in the ass, is all.
Ya godda be one sick fuck to fane a disability, which I don't think you are btw.
If you've emptied the bin do a picture search (start-search -pictures, music or video), it may come up, but I suspect you've lost them for good once the bin is emptied confused
I just get sluttier and sluttier (is there such a word?) :mrgreen:
But I'm a fussy slut wink
Quote by HornyRed
I am always fully shaved, much prefer :P I shave every single day now, and i must say i no longer suffer itchy pussy syndrome the next day banghead :banghead:
Is it because im used to it now or because i shave everyday ?
Could anyone shed some light on this dunno

It's cause you shave every day. I use to wax but went through a spell when I couldn't afford the waxing anymore so started shaving instead. I now shave everyday. I don't have the patience to grow it out for the next waxing which I can once again afford.
Shaving everyday and mosturising everyday get's rid of that nastly razor rash.
I can't believe that with all this going two of my son's mates went out yesterday and bought AK47 BB guns. dunno :doh: banghead
School holidays or not they still have a bedtime, just slightly later now.
Ten o'clock lights out. I'd rather they're in bed while we all still like each other and they're not quite yet over-tired. Besides Makaveli can't come creeping in at 2am every night!
Quote by westerross
I do not even want to think about wanking at work.
I'm sure my spunk tastes OK.
I really couldn't give a shit about BB (nothing personal MN).
I'm flucking pissed off - I wanna see my friends - too much wine - mods, please make this the first in the shite bin!
Goodnight one and all. wink
Poll added!!
Sarge :thumbup:

Pity that.
I love cam'ing for the early morning wank brigade. Some of them log in and jack-off for me from work.
Yummy :lickface:
Stage two done and dusted, now just for stage three. I'll let you all know when that is scheduled and how it goes. :bounce: :happy: hump
Miss-read, you have pm wink
I've always wanted to say that
Quote by Mr Ben and friends
Been a slut in the making ever since.

That really true? confused
Who would make that up? :?
Fuck...bugger...damn....and blast it.
They should ask the parents before they go dishing out school hols so willy nilly, I say mad evil
Quote by Wishmaster
I'm only speculating of course, but to shoot someone five times at point blank range says you want to make sure he is definitely dead, which could mean they thought he had a bomb and was going to detonate it.

You only need a twitching finger to detonate a bomb. The police do a good job and have to make on the spot decisions - thats what we pay them to do so that we don't have to do it ourselves. If the guy had a bomb then it was the correct decision - if he didn't then it's his own damn fault for running from the police in an area that is VERY sensitive at the moment.
And may I just add that perhaps we need to remember that there's a person at the other end of the weapon pulling a trigger. Pulling a trigger aimed at a real person possibly for the first time in his life with the intent to bring that person down . Can you imagine what that must feel like? I'm sure no amount of training can prepare you for a cold, calculated judgement in a moment like that. 5 shots may seem excessive, but how would YOU react when faced with the same terror?
Did you know back home 90% of the police officers who open fire go for counciling after?
Quote by yuugiri
The best view i ever saw was when i was at the top of Table mountian in South Africa, I have a photo somewhere will post it on here if i can find it (And find out how!!!) lol . another one of my favourites is at the top of a particular hill overlooking portsmouth as the sun goes down. It's also known for Doggers when the boy racers bugger off !!! mad

That view is brilliant. As is the view at Cape Point where the cold and warm currents meet, leaving a frothy white stripe cutting the ocean in half....beautifull!
Quote by Ice Pie
But will it still be the cafe or will it be called something else?
May I suggest the Gag room. Works on more levels than one.

Nobody is advocating gagging though. Quite the opposite. A separate area for things like private conversations of no interest to anyone except the 2 or 3 people involved, should actually cut down on the number of threads the mods have to lock.
I've followed the whole thread. I'm with the discussion. The mods are free to lock threads at their discretion. Members are free to post threads and respond as long as it's in keeping with the AUP. The AUP is set by the site owner and moderators.
And once again the forum grinds to a halt 'cause nobody is sure if the thread they're considering posting is acceptable or not. Seen it happen over and over again. But this time it was started by a moderator. The people who decide what is or isn't acceptable dunno Am I wrong in in my assumption that the mods and Mark are the very people who setout the AUP?
Are swingers so closed minded that all they want to discuss is sex or debate serious in depth issues?
What happened to light hearted fun along the way?
Will the GFZ be binned in this new forum too?
And don't we all have more serious real life shit to be contending with than to bitch, gripe and moan about the triavia people post. deal with the trivia, I'll zip it with the rest of the people who are no longer sure what is or isn't an acceptable/interesting post (except for my Triple X Productions, hope that one is acceptable) and wait for the final outcome of this thread and the change in AUP/forum.
But will it still be the cafe or will it be called something else?
May I suggest the Gag room. Works on more levels than one.
Libras have a strong sense of fair play and justice. They seek cooperation in the settlement of disputes. Libras seek harmony and balance in their lives and have a good understanding of social and human relations. Libras are affectionate, charming, and considerate yet anger is shown by strong but quickly ending blowouts. Libras are usually independent and strong individuals that support progressive social movements.

That's all positive. I'll agree with that :mrgreen:
Thank you all for sharing in my excitement with me :P
Last night went more than well, and no it did not take place on the "Casting Couch" either lol
Tonight is another big night.
Tonight I meet with the dirctor. And the producer and actress I met with last night.
I'm so excited and scared and it's all happening so fast. But hey :bounce: :taz: let's see how far and where this all takes us :happy:
Once again a big thanks for your support and thanks to Tune for pointing out my autograph wink :lol2:
As for the naughty website, I could not disrespect Mark and direct his members to another paying site, regardless of it's content.
Also, that site reveals just a little too much about me :wink: :lol: :twisted: so only a select few of you are privy to that redface :twisted:
I'm meeting the producer tonight who has already seen footage of me :mrgreen: to discuss two projects :bounce: :taz: hump
Oh and they found me on my naughty site lol
Have just scouted me. Keep your eyes and ears open.
I'm rich...I'm rich...Tony Robbins I'm fucking rich :bounce: :bounce: :taz: :bounce: :taz: :bounce:
The rumour I've heard is the explosive went off in the blokes back-pack and set him on fire, hence the police presence at the hospital :lol2:
Please Lord let that be true worship
And to the parents of the boy and his family, I'm sorry.
Oh what a load of :bs: and I was going to stay away from SH too rolleyes
Science is rude and aggressive in his tone and speach. Talking over everyone or anyone who tries to add to the conversation, he blanks them out with his voice. How rude. How arragant. Don't make this a black thing. He'd still be rude and arragant if he was white! Stop crying " man". We don't like him not because he's black, we don't like him cause he's rude. The minute Maxwell became rude and arragant the public chucked him out too.
Quote by SunBunny
The more I read this thread the better the idea of the telephone, pubs, social events, real life etc appeals to me.

.....and we all know what happens when you and I hit the Real World, don't we love? wink
Thanks for the reminder hun, I don't need anymore convincing that that.
:happy: :happy: :beer: :inlove: :evil2: :smoke: :thrilled: :karaoke: :giggle: :wave2: :rose:
The more I read this thread the better the idea of the telephone, pubs, social events, real life etc appeals to me.
Quote by x-man0223
cool i thought you looked like you was the dominant type person that is why i had to ask
so how did he brake it and did he scream a lot

His vigorous thrusting stopped short, he yelp and caterpulted himself off me craddling his nob. With tears is his eyes he told me what he'd done. Then he showed me. It was a matter of all emotions in 5 seconds flat. :scared: :shock: blink :uhoh: :lol2:
I did an internet search on what we should do about it, while he tendered his sore manhood, got dressed and rushed out of here rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Then I posed his misfortune on the forum.
Quote by x-man0223
I'm suddenly getting flash-backs of a certain night I broke an ex SH member's willy :shock: :lol2:
How's the nob babe? wink
I'm sure he still reads the forum

owch redface :eeek:
how did you do that?????
Ooops....I should clarify that. He broke it. I didn't. He was the one in full control at the time :twisted: :lol2:
Ah...that memory has made my day :haha:
Quote by meat2pleaseu
That's so funny. Reminds me of a programme I watched with the kids on the discovery channel some time ago. I forget what the condition is called but some people can't control what thier limbs do. They had footage of a bloke out shopping and his hand stealing without him knowing :shock: :lol2:

Alien Hand Syndrome!
That's the one! Thanks mate wink
While we're on the topic of what constitutes boring or not....
I personally find the GFZ kinda threads boring. To me it's grown-ups playing make believe. Why? dunno I don't get it. But don't explain it to me please. Just making a point. GFZ seems kinda popular, but that too is not to everyone's taste.
That's so funny. Reminds me of a programme I watched with the kids on the discovery channel some time ago. I forget what the condition is called but some people can't control what thier limbs do. They had footage of a bloke out shopping and his hand stealing without him knowing :shock: :lol2:
Quote by duncanlondon
Incidentally aren't the current threads Steam Room and Declaration of War, more or less hitting on the same thing?

Yes, but in the steam room you can have your say and nobody will correct or try to convince you otherwise, where as here it's being debated.