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Over 90 days ago


I earn a crust in the adult industry. But it was my sex life which effected my choice of career rather than the other way round.
In fact, it was joining SH which smoothed the path to my new career! biggrin
Working tonight, taking the kids horse riding tomorrow for the first time EVA! :taz:
And being treated to lunch out on Sunday biggrin
Quote by PoloLady
Right at this moment I think I need to be a pair of brightly coloured comedy wellingtons – because there is a puddle forming on the floor beneath my chair!

Your incontenance is catchy! :lol2:
Quote by equi-princess
A pair of Jimmy Choos for fun.........
Bally shoes.... conservative and black for work.....
Manolo Blahniks.... just for the hell of it.......
Sergio Tacchinni riding boots for all other times....... lol
equi-princess xxx

Wow, you're lucky to afford those.
Got to find me a man who spoils me like that!
I would be a mix of the Lambada and bump and grind hip-hop.
After all, dancing is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire!
*Straight in the losest sense of the word confused Gradually becoming more ....... um ..... curly? dunno

Curly or kinky? And why not be daring and go for the whole re-style hun? wink
Oh oh oh SHOES! I LOVE SHOES :bounce: Amelda Marcus take a seat!
Just love my pvc thigh high boots with their 6" metal heel, they scream slut time to me.
But it's those "glass" pole-dancing shoes that my heart truly desires. Bluewater here I come!
There's only one message I'm out to send hun.....AVAILABLE wink
Quote by MikeC
strange isn't it :shock:
you wouldn't eat food that was out of date biggrin

Lol, trust me Libra could never be described as 'out of date' lol Gorgeous yes, sexy yes, intelligent yes, but not out of date ;)
I agree with you libra is lurvley smile
i made the mistake as well with the years it shows us males think with our sexual organs before reading!!!!
Oh you guys redface :rose:
Quote by marmalaid
I'd have to be August, 'cause I'm hot hot hot :mrgreen:

Me too, because I piss down!
Sounds like you need a balance, fancy a piss-up?
I believe life is a mixture of foresight and fate. I believe in destiny. My destiny has been calling me since a young child, for a long time I fought it, believing it to be the will of man as opposed to Khama balancing and fate.
But destiny is a determined bitched and she got me in the end. A slut wasn't good enough for her, she wanted the whole whore!
Cheers, I'll take my flipa and give you a :thrilled: in exchange for it. Seems I'm collecting a good few :flipa: today lol
Sorry I was too busy giving a toss about keeping my family instead of concerning myself as to why you guys were throwing your toys out the cot over a munch dunno
Quote by postie
Excuse me for just putting the bloody obvious together, but, I wrote a post explaining my piss taking, and you write a post straight after that saying piss takers are bullies... so, what am i to conclude from that? You are calling me a bully... seems a logical conclusion.

I was talking about all the piss takers not just you, and yes you are a piss taker.
Quote by postie
And as for "having a thing with you"... i think you'll find you have just joined this thread, straight after i posted and i have been on this thread all the way through, so who has "a thing" with who?

redface Sorry, didn't realise I shouldn't join in a thread other than from the very start. My mistake.
Quote by postie
You can try and hide behind the " if the cap fits" statement if you want, but why don't you have the guts to just say it?

Postie you're a bully, and this isn't the first time YOU've had a go at ME.
Quote by postie
You had threads locked last week, there was a kick off in the forum about it and you posted a piss take at the Mods for doing their job... and now you are calling people bullies... seems to me you are still smarting at what happened last week.... get a grip Libra, stop being a pain, and lighten up. FFS

The thread locking thing lately isn't the first time it's happened and probably wont be the last. I'm not smarting over it. It's far too insignificant to trouble over. I didn't give the mods a hard time for doing their job. And I notice a mod on this thread doing a stirling job at piss taking too!
Ah Gawd Postie, you have this thing with me, don't you?
Go back and read what I wrote, if I mentioned your name then I meant YOU. If I didn't mention your name then if the cap fits wear it.
Quote by R n M
So why is it necessary to take the piss? A new couple on here ask for some advice, surely someone could oblige without being silly about it. All you had to do was explain in a diplomatic way that typing in caps is seen as "shouting" and using phone text language is not advisable. Is it really necessary to put people off when they feel nervous enough as it is?
Anyway new_swingers, my gf and I are fairly new to this and we checked many sites before testing the waters. Although the G spot was a good location for us we were put off by some of the reviews we saw. Apparently they have a problem with badly behaved single men, even on so called "couples only" nights. We decided on a house party instead because it was easier to get an invite without giving a lot of personal information. Having found it enjoyable we did a couple more and then progressed on to a club. We went to La Chambre in Sheffied and had a brilliant time. If you can get there I recommend it, if not you would probably do well to go to Chameleions in Darleston, people on this site have said some good things about it and we will get round to trying it soon hopefully.

Due to the mix of people who visit SH there's bound to be those that enjoy nothing better than piss taking. Bullying really, but piss take seems to be more pc here.
It's cyber echoeing the reality of life. It's how you choose to deal with life's negativity that's of importance.
Me personally, I choose to stay away from negativity. It's kinda like that one bad apple that will rot the rest.
Have a look around the board, the fermenting rot is more than evident. It's a matter of noting who's responsible for the kinda "rot" you don't appreciate and mark them with AVOID!
Quote by freckledbird
Wondering how not to get locked?
Follow these simple steps.
1. Don't start a thread on anatomy or size
2. Don't start a thread seeking IT advice
3. Don't start a thread on the greatest new club
4. Don't start a thread as a newbie seeking advice
6. Don't start a thread
7. Don't start a thread
8. Don't start a thread
9. Don't start a thread
10. Only post on already established threads
Simple see :mrgreen:

What's 5 then?
5's the rebel who didn't give a toss wink
Wondering how not to get locked?
Follow these simple steps.
1. Don't start a thread on anatomy or size
2. Don't start a thread seeking IT advice
3. Don't start a thread on the greatest new club
4. Don't start a thread as a newbie seeking advice
6. Don't start a thread
7. Don't start a thread
8. Don't start a thread
9. Don't start a thread
10. Only post on already established threads
Simple see :mrgreen:
Went to lunch with a fellow SH'er, had a bit of a gossip and mention of this thread came up so thought I'd take this opportunity to vent.
Just wanted to let you know "secret Committee" your behaviour sucks!
We played your game expecting all to be revealed in the end. Other members of the forum where not happy about being excluded. We played on, even defended this thread.
A little decency in the end is well over-due here don't you think?
Stand-up BB and be counted. You at least owe us that!
Quote by easyease
yeah libra i guess i should be more careful in future. just goes to show there are some real rats out there tho. i know morals are a relative concept, mine are to try avoid doing anything that hurts someone else. not always easy tho eh. smile

I would advise gently covering your teeth with your lips next time babes wink
Quote by easyease
im just feelin guilty cos a guy told me he is married after i gave him a bj........

If you feel that strongly about it, next time check his status before the act, is what I'd advise hun wink
And we all have some form of morals, mine just may not be the same as yours.
Quote by Debbiewebs
well its not fair that you do not have next time little old Debs here is going to drag you by the hair and get you there :twisted: :twisted:

As long as you promise not to spank my bum too. It's black and blue from last night :twisted: evil
I don't have post munch blues so :rude:
And I'm still not reading the Notts munch thread!
And no, I didn't want a badge either evil
Quote by Ice Pie
And as star signs go, it's the Leo that get's this girls juices flowing

See, I told you it was all a load of cobblers. lol
Now where's that pic of Leo the lamb lying with Libra, I wonder? :lol:
Can anyone help me?
I can't log into my msn (7). It keeps telling me Sorry, we are unable to sign you in at this time. Please try again later. 80072ee7 dunno
The old version works for me, but it doesn't support my cam very well.
I'm desperate! I can't work without my msn.
Will you two sex vultures get off my passion bed?!!!! wink
I'm still breathing in the scent :smoke: :love: