ok so im never surprised lately when i see an ad from a guy wanting to try it with another guy behind his wifes back, am i unusual because of my old fashioned view that there is no reason to commit to someone for life that you dont feel comfortable enough to communicate your inner feelings to? thats one reason why i never married. do you think its cheating if a single bi guy fooled around with a married one?
Well yes of course it it cheating if someone who is married goes behind their partners back and sleeps with another person, regardless of what sex they are.
However who are we to judge what goes on in their lives, perhaps there are reasons why they feel the need to do so.
I do not think it is anyones business but the two people who are having the affair/liaison - let fate decide what the outcome may be.
If you do not like the idea of being the other person then do not do it, I am sure someone else will.
Its a sad thing but it is a common thing.
being a bi-male (whatever that means?) in a serious relationship,
all i can say is it's only cheating if you're lying about it to your partner/wife,
if you cant be honest about your true feelings what are you doing being married to that person?
you are who you are, we might not be able to control our feelings but we can control our honesty.
thats my tuppence worth,
ok i'll shut up now
im glad im not the only one left with a couple of
im just feelin guilty cos a guy told me he is married after i gave him a bj........
im a naughty boy Ms Amber.........the bloke had whipped his knob out within minutes of meeting me and there wasnt much chat beforehand. ill put it down to experience and try being more inquisitive of people in future. cest la vie!
If your single and play with a married person behind their partners back i suppose i'n a sence ur a free person so your not cheating as such
however i wouldn't meet someone who was married and cheating as i feel swinging is ment to be fun and based on honestly and respect, and i always think how i would feel if i found out my partners was cheating on me, i wouldn't like it so i wouldn't do it to someone else, its a topic that has no rights and wrongs and i have heard ever excuse under the sun from married guys trying to talk u into meeting them from the clasic 'my wife dosn't understand me' to 'i can't leave cause of kids' personally if my marrage was that bad i felt i had to cheat i would leave but not eveyone see's things as black and white as me, i think most guys and indeed some women just want their cake and eat it, want the mrs at home to cook and clean, look after the kids etc and their bit on the side as well, and women who want their home and provider yet want the fun of meeting others as well, suppose its each to their own really.
yeah there are little white lies then there are great big black ones......and i think hiding the truth is sometimes as bad as lying, its a shame people are in so much of a hurry to be wed and join their lives with someone else without knowing and fully exploring their own needs and desires first. too many people believe that if someone is over 30 and single they must be inadequate.
it takes a lot of courage to open up to anyone about this subject. sounds like you have a good relationship mate. nice one!
I think it was more that his wife possibly didn't know anything about it that was the thing.
I'd guess most people would think it wouldn't be wrong with permission.
well i was just raised to beleive that marriage is for two people who can be totally honest with each other. thats why i never made that commitment to a lass. if you cant be honest with a partner even in hard times i think its best to end it. if thats sanctimonious of me so be it.........
Yeah but not all people are like people who visit this forum, but it does seem that alot of women like the idea of male on male action, so maybe better to get it out or ask if she fancies a threesome.
As our nic suggests we are both bi, mrs fetish 29 has been out since she was 17 and all her friends no mr fetish although being bi since a teen is only out to very close friends and has never come out to previous partners (and never cheated). he regrets not coming out however previous partners were not Bi,,and he didn’t really understand his feelings till late in life 40, now he is very happy because he can be himself and has a very understanding wife. he would suggest to any person that its not worth living a lie even to your self and its much better to be "out" and enjoy life.
We have also found that quite a lot of cpls want to "try bi" this only tells us that they were the same ah hubby in that they have bi feelings and only now are able to talk about them or express them, we also find that some longstanding friends are also “coming outâ€.
Sorry if I have gone of thread so to get back on track,We advertise for bi cpls and or bi singles but would not knowingly go with a person who was cheating.
Fetish Bi Cpl are always looking for new bi friends and not nessessarly to play with, as social is nice too. add number 250932