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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 52


Hey, that's my first reply and its made me all tingly...
Tell me more about you...and what sort of things do you think I can realistically expect here?
HI there!
Thought i'd introduce myself, I'm totally new to this and finding my way gradually but am really pleased by how friendly this site seems to appropriate!
I'm a 32 year old single male from London, single after having had an incredibly passionate relationship which was just beginning to open up all kinds of things for me and has left me with a powerful imagination and all kinds of cravings!
I'm very determined to broaden my horizons, especially regarding casual encounters and threesomes. I am crazy about girls kissing...sure that isn't unusual, but its the most beautiful thing in the world and drives me crazy...and makes me beam like a little boy!
No idea how things work on this site, haven't worked out how to put a pic of myself on here yet, but any females able to come over and hold my hand...pease do!
So looking forward to all this, feel like a kid in a sweetshop! xxx