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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 44
Straight Male, 57
0 miles · Nottinghamshire


we stayed local to us , will email you where as dont like broacasting on here x
the hard core Doggers would usually be out and about safe in the knowledge that the chancers , wasters and boy racers would be safely tucked up..........
Now i know there have been many things written about the decline of Dogging but has the last bell finally rung?
We were out tonight for a couple of hours round the Nottingham area and we didnt see so much as a discarded tissue , 7 car parks visited in total and we never even exchanged an Hello.
Now i know the weather has been foul but in the past bad weather bought out the seasoned doggers who knew the shitbags would stay indoors , so whats happening?????
Quote by Mc1066
We are looking for some naughty fun at ours tonight , we will consider any and all offers just looking forward to heearing from some naughty people x

well that went down well lol
Thats because genuine people wont reply to an idiot highlighting locations online
We are looking for some naughty fun at ours tonight , we will consider any and all offers just looking forward to heearing from some naughty people x
We are looking for a naughty couple to come round our house tonight and have fun as we watch and perhaps take a few pics !!!!!!
Would be ideal fo a couple who perhaps dont want to be seen......
this is a very genuine offer and not just a single guy trying it on happy for phone chat to prove same just looking to try something different x
We are a couple visiting this part of the country and looking for fun times , are there any couples or perhaps a decent single male who can help ?
Looking to lend my house to a naughty couple who would like somewhere safe to have fun. All i want in return is to watch and take pictures , not looking to join in as im part of a couple on this site and she wont be in.
just looking to create a saucy atmosphere and get some private pics for mel to look at x
We are heading up to Fort William on Sunday and hoping to stop for some naughty outdoor fun with couples on route.
We will stay in places overnight and move on the next day just looking for fun with like minded couples .
we will be out and about in the nottingham area tonight looking for discreet couples for some naughty fun .
we will be out saturday night looking for another couple to have some discreet blindfold fun with............
we will be out and about for a short period of time this afternoon , looking for couples or a discreet single male.
i would be very surprised if anyone who knew of any good locations actually told you , if they did they may not stay that way for long.
Best thing is to take to the road and do the hard yards ......
we will be in the area Tuesday night and would be happy to help in any way we can x
we will be out and about wednesday night looking for couples to join us for some mutual fun.
we would love to help you out , we will be in and around leicester saturday night let us know times and places and we will try and sort it .
were going to chance the cold weather and see if there are any hardy souls out looking for fun , ideally another couple but would consider a solitary single male as were not into big crowds.
we will be on and off line for a while but wont be out till gone 10pm
any couples looking for company near cannock tonight, friendly sexy couple looking for a meet
bib you really are missing the point on all this mate , a good analogy for dogging ( i think ) is fishing , you can pick the best peg going but there are no guarantees you just need to be patient and hope that something or someone comes along.
sure you can increase your odds and go to popular places but this might backfire because some couples ( i know we do ) avoid these places for that very reason .
patience is a virtue pal and you need to put in the hard hours to get some reward because in my experience you may see nothing for a long time but that 1 glimpse or show spurs you on untill the next time.
happy fishing
Quote by JTS

Dogging is, in fact, and I have got this from the site; a combination of voyeurism and Exhibitionism, men being the former and women the latter, now its different strokes for different folks but there still needs to be the respect shown from all.
When all said and done dogging without couples has no future.......

The future is written on the wall (or road).
Dogging, along with cruising and cottaging, is regarded as anti-social behaviour.
Laws protect the gay community from being targeted with action, but they are circumvented by anti-social behaviour laws....which have no need for "proof" for action to be taken (no, no arrests Mr G....but it is being used to close down or limit opening of places).
And with the closure of places, other places become more crowded. And more "active" (as in movement-active).
As for single guys....anyone who stays in one place will miss the action in another (well-known "fact", which explains the amount of movement).
I can't be arsed to drive around, too much fuel used.
Oh, and he's right: I'm never wrong, except when I'm not right.
And the other is right too: I am a complete prat.
I must be, nobody except a prat would sit in a layby for 4 hours with two dozen cars racing up-and-down (and a naked guy walking up-and-down trying to get a wank or blow job.....with a temperature of 3%C......hypodickthermia)
exscuse the pun mate but it sounds like your away with the fairies.......your rambling
Quote by BIoke
JTS i think your wrong , there are that few couples knocking about now days that most single guys will be happy to take anything ....

And THAT'S exactly the type of comment and attitude that gets single guys the reputation they have - desperate is NEVER attractive, which is basically what you are saying they are. So that's kind of a double insult.. to 'most' single guys and to the couples you describe as 'anything'.
I really wish people would think before they post this kind of generalistic shit. I'm a fussy bastard and am NEVER happy with taking 'anything'.
If you said 'most, ugly, overweight, smelly, unwashed, in need of social skills single blokes that only go Dogging as in a half-lit carpark at night they stand a better chance than in daylight as they'd scare the people they watch'... then I might agree with your comment :rascal:
PS: JTS is NEVER wrong lol
Firstly bloke you can reply and try and be a smart arse all you like picking the pieces out of the comment taking exception to certain words exaggerating the point and making an issue out of a simple statement.
the fact of the matter is i was actually trying to say that we as a couple find %99 of all the single blokes we make contact with amiable polite and very respectful , obviously we havent met JTS who for want of a better word sounds like a complete prat.
Dogging is in fact and i have got this from the site a combination of voyeurism and Exhibitionism men being the former and women the latter now its different strokes for different folks but there still needs to be the respect shown from all.
when all said and done dogging without couples has no future.......
JTS i think your wrong , there are that few couples knocking about now days that most single guys will be happy to take anything , most are respectful the ones that arent are over keen and soon get roped back by people who know how to behave.
nottinghamshire couple going to NEC thursday night looking for some interesting locations and company on the way home in that area can anyone help
may we have an invite please , we are new to the scene but bandscpl said they would vouch for us as we met them at a party on friday.
might see you there Nat , we wont be there untill after we will listen for the screaming lol