Well a nods as good as a wank to a blind guy as they say!!!! good luck!
Glad you put the camera on and not in the excitement throw the van into reverse !!! :P
In theory all you need would be a secluded private area and stick a couple of security guards and all would be well....
The reality is oh so different .
First you would probably need a licence for a public event (We all know what councils are like!) then because it would involve sex it would probably come foul of some 400 year old by law . Then if you got past that no doubt health and safety would charge in saying you need x amount of toilets and condom machines....then if you got past all that no doubt the local pimps would move in and start introducing working girls etc etc.
So you can see its not to straight forward . My thought is with the amount of emty large warehouses around it might be a good idea to use those (ah shelter from the rain indeed!!) but then it all comes down to the same problems .
By the time all would be up and running it would be so expensive to enter on the off chance of catching something happening that you may as well jump on a cheap flight to amsterdam for a bit of the old window shopping !!!!!!
Sorry to put a dampner on it,just the way sadly i see it.
Ok its now official,i know you keep taking everyone to a different venue when you see my car coming into range !!!!!!! lol
Well if you see a silver largish car pulling in next time just give me a wave! :P
Hi Jackie and Ben,
Well as i say i got to "P" about and one of the guys was on a phone to a fellow dogger i think and from the sounds of it the guy was saying they did a sweep of all the known sites . I dont have a definate time of when it happened but sounds like it must have been between 9 and 10pm . I took a drive past "C" before i went to "P" and saw two police cars driving along the road so i didnt pull in.
If you are heading to either venue in future send me a private message and ill let you know the latest updates as i head down there a few times a week now . That way youll be able to at least find out if the coast is fairly clear!!!
Hope you had a good night though,
Just got back from a venue in Maidstone (Begins with P!) . Three cars there when i pulled in and got out for a chat,all blokes but nice bunch of lads all the same .
I said i had been to the venue that begins with c and they were telling me that earlier this evening the police had been out to both venues , searching all the cars and handing out producers .
I think this has got way out of hand now . Its a saturday night and all over the town there will be fights and all kind of urgent stuff,yet they choose to target a car park away from residents to hassle people causing no trouble at all . Ok at venue C it may be due to the boy racers and stolen cars but it just stinks to me over the police going crazy !!!
Anyway,to the guys in the three other cars (I was the guy in the small silver car) hope you managed to find some luck and hope everyone had a good and safe night.
Cheers all,