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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 55
0 miles · Brentwood


Tigs, you need to change your dentist........that's not the kind of "instrument" he should be putting in your mouth.......and vets aren't supposed to take your temperature.....especially not vet style ;)

Room for a little un?...........I do believe it must be time to dust off my Coventry hat......although you have zero chance of me in fancy dress smile

Unless of course I throw on a suit and come as a bigger villains :)

Well if there's any space left I suppose I had best come along to see Mav being cuckolded by Eyes :haha:

I think tis time to get drunk in Cov and get more body parts out.........or I can promise not to if it means I am allowed to attend silly
Why the barely concealed animosity to people who prefer the Pool to other rooms?
I was under the impression that anyone could join any public room?
I prefer the company of people I chat to in the pool....same as others prefer other rooms.....
I abhor the childish accusations of any room being "cliquey"........we must have all been "new" at one time or another and people come and go from the site....
Why not go the whole hog and suggest banning all people who use the Pool because you have some people dislike the fact that we have a laugh in there!!!!
Quote by Playful2k3
Hiya, anychance i could have venue location so i can book hotel please? xx

How rubbish are you......some of us have had out hotel booked for monthsssssssssssssssss smile're a crap organiser.....
Where's me email telling me ur mobile number and where we meeting.......
I know I already got ur number and we are in same hotel....but that's not the point lol
Hotel booked so confirming I'll be there smile
Also confirming that I will eat some food this time
and I won't get me cock out
and I will be slightly more sober :)
Quote by Ash103291
Count me in as long as i dont have this stupid course thing smile
I definately would love an evening drinking and having good conversation :)

Well you will have an evening drinking......I wouldn't pin your hopes on good conversation!!! :)
Stick me name down Bis.........I'll look forward to a cheap night of you buying me beer all night smile
Try, can you stick me down for this one please.......I promise to remain sober(ish) this time, and look forward to remembering the event smile
A formal apology to one and all for the fact I was as pissed as a newt sad
Not been that drunk in 20yrs........I am assured that I had a good time, just wish I could remember anything after leaving the pub......
I don't think I was too out of order, except to Bis's hair and Shi's neck.
I am that embarrassed I am actually going red as I type.
Cheers Try..........I certainly wouldn't have the patience to arrange socials and put up with tools like me!!!!!!!!
Try...can you add me to the main list or the reserve list if you have already hit full numbers smile
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday sexy biatch Shi, Happy Birthday to you smile :) :)
Cos I was nice can I shag your front and back bottoms now??????
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Mer/Rhea/Covern member,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :rose: