Hi all
any couples or single fems fancy joining me for a spot of al fresco dogging fantastic new location which will be kept totally secret in other words there will not be hoards of guys there trying to park on your wing mirror i will give location too couples only at my discretion ive taken a few couples there so far and have had a fantastic time so far easy too get too and very discreet any interested people mail me
thanks tommy
is there anyone interested in a spot of dogging now in the salford area
totally genuine guy for no strings fun
mail me if you are interested
ty tommy
anyone fancy a spot of dogging with a seasoned pro lol
I posted a topic about chat room "bullys"
recently i had problems again in chat...
i was wrongly accused of threatening a female in the northwest room ...i raised it with a chatroom-op who said someone from sh would check the log ...too which i have heard nothing again..
if i was being abusive it would be in the logs which are stored server side and admin have full axs too i beleive..
now for my conclusion
the persons who instigated the insults know who they are and i for one have never met them and likewise on there part
i cant for the life of me understand why these people take it upon themselves to insult-make false accusations & in general be nasty with me ...
im no gangster <--- thats insulting
im only here for fun
i am not pushy despite what some people may beleive in fact if some folks gave me the chance maybee they would see im not the guy im portraied too be..
and i have met numerous couples and single fems from sh who i have found to be pleasant people...you know who you are
this is not aimed at getting anyone any trouble whatsoever...
i will not name anyone and if admin want to investigate then be my guest
sorry if it sounds like a rant but it seems this is the only way to get my point across
have fun allways tommy
whats it all about....
i was in nw chatroom on server 1 when i was asked to go and join a fem who i know i explained id had a drink and couldent drive ..the next thing she started saying i had threatened her at which point a number of people started wispering me asking me to stop... i can only assume the lady in question had said i threatened her ....what a joke i did not threaten anyone and furthermore im not here for that.. so why do people allways beleive what there told ?????
too clicky ..... if you want to be a judge i beleive sh is not the right place to be judgemental....
admin check the logs and let the truth out before someone else tries to make me out as a bad guy ...
Im Tommy
I have been swinging for several years.
I have my own place & im looking for some
fun with likeminded folks..
I am 100% genuine
I have met a number of couples & females
from swingingheaven who i have found to be
very nice people..
I do not want Timewasters as i have come across a few so forget it im not interested in text tennis or pic swap
im a genuine are you ?
if you would like to investigate me further then just mail me
thanks for reading any questions just ask
im not part of any clique and if u are forget it im not interested
Im in gtr manchester chat now
no offence meant
and im no longer swinging anyway
have fun
Hiya folks
well the day has come...
my swinging days are over
it,s not for me anymore .. my personal health & well being are more important to me than sex
too clicky & too many idiots liars & backstabbers (you know who you are)
wishing you all the best
no donkey cocks...
i guess im ruled out then
im out soon i have taken heed of the last comment
have fun everyone
hi i joined on 23 october 2008
where you going ??????????
pant pant pant
dog & leg come too mind
Menthol or Regular
you can get these from any good newsagent
and as for luck have you got any for me ?
well id love to join you for some fun ..
outdoors or indoors and btw if it was too cold and the couple wanted to go indoors either at there place or one of the doggers then we could have some real fun as for the cold its just too bad thick coat essential for the man to keeps the ladys head warm if she so desires
hehe tommy
dirtyladbburn i am willing to give locations to couples only as im trying to avoid what your trying to get away from (idiots & pushy doggers)
if you seek you shall find
MrT rubs his crystal ball,s
Ahh there it is
13 miles as the crow flies
Fireblade & Mr&Mrs NaughtyWigan
Fireblade if you are a couple and would like to meet this friday coming mail me and i will give you a location ...
Oh NWC Nice too see your still being Naughty
Ive seen you out & about on many frosty nights
or was it all the heat being produced on the inside of your Dogging Wheels
Caution!!!!!!slippy when wet
MrT bone steak lol
i have sent you a pm thanks
Hello one & all & any police that may be reading this as i know you do..
well where do i start this is a subject that many have commented on i have been dogging - swinging for over 7 years now and have frequented many places..
with the police i have found that there attitude towards doggers vary greatly some will ask you what you are doing and some will tell you what you are doing the vast majority of police officers have good intentions in that they will ask you if you are ok etc..etc.. but there are a few over zealous officers i have had a few turn very nasty indeed.. turning my car over ..and saying we will be sending your employer a letter ..this would be funny as im self employed.. thank god the vast majority of police officers can see were harmless i for one would not hurt or impose myself on anyone and would not like to be arrested for any offence relating to my personal activities after all who am i hurting at 1am if im having fun with consenting adults at a car park which is miles from any built up area... or even at a couples house.. the problem arises when in-considerate people drive round all night upsetting any locals who may live nearby a known dogging location & i myself would be upset if i was kept awake all night so fellow doggers should consider this..
it is my conclusion that an officer of the law should use his discretion when considering an appropriate course of action to be taken where he considers the law has been broken... at the end of the day we are all human and have human instincts & tastes & feelings and the impact of a persons activities on there personal life should be taken into consideration
and on a final note be safe be good and have fun
hi all ...well not actually (no old men who look like they belong in a convlessence home)
im looking to join a couple or single fem for some dogging action indoors or al fresco....
Im frequenting several new places and some old ones too if there are any people who would like too meet with a timeserved dogger then i will be most happy to assist you in any way that may tickkle your fancy...
dogging is dogging not queing for your lottery ticket so i do like small gatherings NOT huge organised gatherings of single old men if i wanted thAT id go to any HOLTS public house in manchester
so if your the type of couple who like small intimate gatherings of totally genuine non pushy sex machines
then i may be able to help you and if we do meet & meat then i do want a score out of ten lol lol
your,s gratefully
The Right Reverend Shufflebucket
any interested people get back to me
Seargent @ arms 2nd battalion the royal heavy spunkers
Hi are there any cples or single fems who are looking for some fun outdoors if there are any interested people drop me a email
thanks Tommy
are there any couples or females that require a nice quiet out of the way spot for some fun & frolicks in Gtr Manchester - Cheshire area ?
I know im soooo sad
but you still read my post L&V wildtimes
and afterall we are all here to have fun.....
Hi Folks
looking for some action Saturday Evening in Manchester-East Lancs Area
any couples or single fems want a male to join you for some adult fun...
I may be what you are looking for take a look at my ads
Thankyou MrT
hi there
you dont say what you are looking for or if you into dogging etc etc
im a horny guy up for fun (im out tonight too)
want some fun pm me
if not have fun
Im MrT in Manchester area im ideally looking for a single fem to join me Tonight for some
outdoor or indoor action in Manchester-Warrington area... Im very horny guy and want
a horny fem to abuse me.. (i can pick you up if you like )
Im also looking for a couple to join me for fun also
interested pm me or email me from my ads ...links to my ads are at the bottom of this
Thankyou MrT
=) The sas are out Tonight
anyone need a brolly holding one of my platoon with gladly oblige your needs
a mist appears and who appers lol
its me again ................................. im out tonight i have my hands full
suddenly the mist retracts
Hi m8
its not bad weekends are your best bet ..but its like everywhere you get all sorts going on
on the whole you may like it ..
just try it if you dont like it just leave simple
whatever you do have fun