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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 67
Straight Female
0 miles · Derbyshire


We last went there about 6 weeks ago and the whole experience put my gf off and we havent been since. Have been followed but not for long. however, watchers were at the window before we had stopped the car. dont you realise it is much better to be asked / invited the show is much better that way. what has it been like lately as we are eager to return.
have heard from some friends of mine about groups of so called doggers...male,... that are enticing couples out of their vehicles and attacking them. sounds a bit far fetched to me, but has anyone else heard anything?
Quote by derby_cpl
hi were a couple m40 f36 wanting to try dogging around the derby area but donnot know were to go could anyone help us by telling us the best places to go and anyone wanting to watch us please get in touch

Have you heard of xxxxxxxxxxxxx, near Mansfield. Not bad, although havent watched anyone, have only been watched. We rather like it.
Mods Edit - have you read the site rules????? I suggest you read them before making any more posts mad