Quote by harding
I love doing it when I can but with the weather in Scotland it's a bit limited lol brrrrrr
Not to mention the blooming midges.
Quote by AfinelineI knackered my knee playing footie many years ago and compensating for this led to back problems but copious amounts of volterol keep me right most of the time.
I twisted my right knee in a minor motorcycle mishap.
Up a narrow lane on a CG125 and lost control when the back wheel skidded on gravel and ended with my right foot tangled in the undergrowth trying to point in the wrong direction. Luckily, instead of snapping the cruciate ligament, it pulled a sliver of bone off the tibia.
Tell me about it! You certainly have my sympathy!
For the past couple of years I've been trying to build a terracing wall up on that useless ¼ acre piece of Derbyshire hillside that laughingly tries to pass its self off as "My Garden" in an effort to get some level ground!
EVERY 4" high density concrete block, shovelful of sand or concrete ballast, 25kg bag of cement and bag of topsoil for backfilling to level off the uphill side of the wall has had to be carried up the garden path.
The attached picture shews part of the wall a couple of months back before I finished that part of the wall.