A perfectly normal (cough, cough) couple who enjoy experimenting in any kinky way we possibly can. We have a somewhat Dom/sub relationship in the bedroom and this is how we will keep it.
so let us start where it matters....Lucy is a slim, submissive, female who enjoys having her boundaries pushed a little more each time we enter that "zone" and that is how we have ended up here. As well as having a cuteness many admire, Lucy is an angel among society, until of course in close quarters with good folk of the kinky world where she becomes a little on the sassy side with a cheekiness that gets her into trouble (normally in the form of a red bottom).
Lucy has a petite frame and likes to dress in a more risky attire, with a particular fascination for Latex.
Ok the less important part... MJ is your normal average Joe when looking in from the outside (you dirty peeping toms). However he has a dark side with a certain artistry to make his subject (Lucy) submit, serve and uphold her obedience (sometimes with the aid of lets say ... devices and instruments).
MJ is a keen photographer and those we meet will often be summoned to strike a pose so no camera shy people please.