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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 50
Bisexual Female, 39


hi we are a young couple and we are looking to meet local like minded couples for friendship and fun our aim is to meet with a few couple now and again and make realy good friends along the way if we are of intrest to you please mail us we will answer all messages even if its a polite no thanks xxxx

we are not into pain or water but alison will dabble in anal if the mood takes her.

we are currently not looking for single males however we may concider in the future and we will meet you if you have a female buddy you can play with.

we do not bite so mail us.

we are not into endless emails or texts or phone calls we do not webcam so please dont bother asking. we just want some fun

in the chat rooms alison will chat in red and shaun will chat in black

look forward to talking to you all

alison and shaun xxxx


Adult parties
Anal sex
Group sex
Making videos
Oral sex
Outdoor sex
Straight sex


Female Couple
Age: 18 - 100
Distance: 150 miles