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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 60
0 miles · Newcastle upon Tyne



I know many people on here object to playing with married men whose don't play with their partner. and consider it cheating

I am separated and last had sex with my wife 3 years ago.  I left the relationship because she had a violent temper and nearly broke my arm with a maglite. Legally I am still married so the question is do people feel it is acceptable to play with me?


Quote by tweeky
Only ever saw the original film, thought it was quite good.

Stargate is one of the few follow ons which improve on the film. season one of the series carrys on the story of the film.
Hi all,
I am not a big poster, but I was really moved by this thread.
I suppose I expected that most of the women on here would be really confident that they are free to do as they wish. Yet the truth appears to be that even several prominent members suffer from a sort of self imposed 'guilt'.
It left me wondering how many women in the wider society have the same desires, but lack any opportunity to express them. From there I moved to thinking that for all the talk of the sexual revolution since the sixties, that women are still quite repressed in our culture.
Sadly I fear it is going to be a long time before things change significantly for the better.
Thanks all for the kind words.
Your warm welcome is much appreciated.
Hi All,
First post. I am sure that swingers are much less prone to having affairs. Three things cause problems for couples: sex, violence and money. Swinging as a couple deals with the first and needs deep trust and communication which makes the second unlikely and helps with the third.
However where it is not an equal decision then it will quickly crystallise underlying tensions.