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2 weeks ago
Bi-curious Male, 67
Bisexual Female, 63
0 miles · Birmingham


We went to the last swing camp and want to go to this swing camp, the problem is we don't have a tent :confused2:
This is for Bi couples only that are similar to us in age and likes, You will be asked for telephone fem/fem contact from the start.
We are having a Christmas bi kinky house party on the 10th Dec. Just a small group of 6-8 friends that get on well together and that we have known for years. We would like to extend this circle, its not just a group of people for sex its the making of real friendships Due to work duty one couple have had to pull out which is a real shame as they are really good friends. We have set the house party up for a set number which we knows works well. We have a meal some festive fun and games a secret santa and don’t worry about driving home. People we meet tend to stay long term friends which makes it all the more fun.
If you know of us or just feel you would like to ask more questions then please get in touch.
Warning it is a play party with few rules on this occasion but other times we all meet up for a chat and drink... Couples only please!
Our other profile names are
Rachel & Paul
Thanks Bambi and Bear for a fantastic night we had a great time. See you next time!
Please but Rachel80 and Paul80 down, will be nice to meet you both
Rachel & Paul
Thanks Try, we enjoyed our first Cov social, great party forward to the next one.
Paul and I are home now, having enjoyed the sunshine on Sunday (a bit too much) and had a night of hotel luxuary on the way home wink
Thanks Dean for your organisation and to everyone for making us welcome at our first camp. Also thanks to bif for letting us lodge in his tent.
Early Sunday evening, while we were sitting outside the tent Wendy came over to us to "ask a strange question". Initially we were cautious wondering if it was a swinging related question, but she wanted to know what to keep a pigeon in! A lost pigeon has adopted her. Naturally we offered our advice, so next year folks look out for a small wooden dog kennel between the roof of Wendy's two sheds innocent
Wendy was obviously very amused by having the confirmation of the fact that this group book every year are in fact swingers :bounce:
Are we too late to be added to the list please, me and my hubby Paul80.
please please please please please please please please please please can we have another Friday night social at Xtasia?
Tweeky, those charts are great! Where did you dig them up from?
I find this topic genually interesting. While there is something to be said for the old saying "it's not what you've got but what you do with it" but I'm sure most females would agree that a variety of shape and size cocks is fun.
My thought processes now wonder on to asking can all fems take all shapes and sizes enjoyably?????? dunno
hi deadwoodstage
I put XXXXX XXX in the sat nav and it took me to XXX XXXXX
but if you memo me you can tell me how to put XXXXX in sat nav if you like. Don't think its a good Idea letting the world know our secrets places!!!!! XXX
We want the experience more than anything David. We are experienced players in the Femdom scene but new to dogging; don’t even know if it’s our thing until we try it. I guess it might be the thrill of people watching Rachel and me playing together in the car.
My wife wants me to take her dogging for the first time, I have not got a clue where and when to try this can anybody help please.
My choice of girls look like I have to join a que, Natasha Kaplinsky and Rachel Stevens. But my men have not been mentioned yet, Nigel Havers and John Inverdale (BBC sports person, TV and Radio 5). The closest I've got to these is seeing Nigel on the stage in a play, and a very explicitly horney dream about John.
Quote by redstilletto
i just loved my tiny tears
and space hopper................. wink

I'm with you on this one redstilletto, I loved my tiny tears too, and spent many hours on my space hopper, up and down the street with my friends lol
Vitamin C is supposed to help a hangover too. But after all this time perhaps it's no longer a hangover and has turned into something else confused :cry: sad
We've made films for and of ourselves redface trouble is, being the star and the cameraman..... confused: we think to have real fun we need someone to sacrifice themselves to be the camera operator wink rolleyes
I saw one the other day in a car park, FFS which made me think of you lot and this place!
Jeans and a grey sweatshirt, having changed out of the work clothes I was in earlier.
In the desert (Middle East), daytime after a picnic. I shouldn't even have been there with a man I wasn't related to let alone anything else :twisted: Just after we finished a car load of locals drove past :shock:
My first car was also a mini clubman estate, mine was white. I transported an old fashioned pram in the back of it, from one sister to the other, doubt I could have done that in anyother car I have owned since! When the back seats were put down flat it was such a great regular shape. I got a chest of drawers in there once too!
I was offered £100 for the number plate by a bloke who did some work on it, something to do with his nickname. JOP400P.
I part exchanged it for a red mini metro which I then sold before going to work overseas. I've driven loads of different cars since then.
And for the final question.
If you are Bi with your partner that is straight would you enjoy making/watching your partner have a Bi experience for your enjoyment?
It would be interesting to see what the balance of men to women is that want their partner the entertain them in this way.
Thank you for taking part.
Paul & Rachel
Sorry just realised that I’m logged on as Rachel (sorry Rachel)
what category do feel has been missed out tune? Or are you agreeing with those who want to vote slut?
Saw Squeeze 4 times (slightly different line-ups each time), the thing that stood out compaired to other bands I have seen was the sence of fun, the band seemed to be having such a good time on stage. That sence of fun was transmitted to the audience making the gig and enjoyable and memorable time.
I know of people who use "enemas" as a sexual experience, predominantly among the D/s scene. The different things used have differing effects, but ulimately all leave a cleansed feeling.
After the experience a friend had when the ATM short changed him and the bank refused to consider it could be their fault, or the fault of the machine, I would have taken the money, and enjoyed it :shock:
Please tell us Judy what you and your friends have done.
I have used this lotion on my kids and myself with very good effect. People have mentioned Tea Tree oil, but this also has Neem oil which is the main working ingredient.
Good luck! It's a yukky business, but one that comes to us all at sometime.
I remember my Mum doing me a coolish shallow bath with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in it. I sat in it for about 10-15 mins splashing myself. I remember it being helpful for soothing the itching in my little girls parts (I was 14) :shock:
All the stuff everyone else has said is good too.