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Over 90 days ago


Postie, what you said has put my mind at ease like you wouldn't realize. Seeing it from my mum's perspective (or anyones for the matter) makes staying in the pseudo-bi-closet easier and far less conscience damning for me!
I guess I'm already lucky in a way though, I don't have to bother explaining it to my dad, since he already decided he didn't want to know me bout 10 years ago! :cheers: And my mum I know would support me fully, as she's been through it with her brother (my uncle) who is gay, and she was very supportive of him. My two brothers would take some time to convince...
My friends however are another story, most of them are, I'm afraid to say, homophobic. Most of the time it's a non-issue, but the occasional comment here and there turns my stomach inside out, and if I ever settled on a non-straight sexuality and came out, I know they would probably phase me out of the group... It's not even worth thinking about. They are the best friends I could ever hope for in every other way, and are the reason I survived my teenage years and came out the other end with shit loads of great stories to tell... But it's just this one, teeny, tiny thing that could rip it apart sad
Woe is me.
It's called Bi-curious, as if you need telling :P I can totally understand this guys plight, being bi-curious myself and yet never working up the balls to act on it. I don't know whether it would be best to be eased into it gently (oooERRR!! I mean hang around gay bars for a while to work up the nerve, etc) or get thrown in at the deep end and just go for a meet. Ideally there would be a couple so that I didn't feel too off-centre, so to speak... I'm rambling, but you should expect that from me ;) Hope you get it mate.
Quote by Debbiewebs
:welcome: o littel one!

I may be a young'un to all you old folks, but little? :fuckinghell: Them's fightin' words! Select your weapon! duel
Thanks for all the warm welcomes everyone! And hi Liverpool30! Here's hoping we find whatever we're looking for here smile lol
Being relatively new to the entire thing, I'm still quite hush-hush about it around friends and family (especially the bi-curious part!) but I'm hoping that with some time and after getting to make friends who are also into the swinging/nsa fun I can become more open about it.
Too much effort to make coffee... But to answer the question, I don't think I... can be bothered to finish this post! lol
Hello all smile My name is Andy (yes, another one! Unfortunately I'm no fireman though, lol) and I'm new to this site, and swinging in general. I'm 21, single, and live in North London, work part time in a restaurant. I've been to only a couple of swinging/sex parties, though they were invites from friends of friends who have since moved away.
I've found the people at these sort of parties to be THE best to talk with, very open and not at all like normal parties you go to.
So I'm trying to get more active in the swinging world, and hoping I might make some good friends from this site ;)