I've thought about doing it but as I was near the upper reaches age wise, it didn't work out. For my part, I love the idea of mini-me's being in the world, with my good looks, intelligence and sense of humour/irony!!!
There are downsides to it: it is an intrusive piece of surgery which means general anaesthetic, if my memory serves me right. They also pump you full of hormones to make you release the maximum number of eggs possible that you can. This can make you feel a little sick and generally "hormonal" for a while.
There was a discussion at the beginning of November about whether or not women should be paid more than they currently are for their "time and inconvenience". Here is the link to the BBC website which has a few more links to relevant organisations.
Ultimately, it comes down to a personal decision: whatever feels right for you, your body and also your husband and your children.
Best wishes