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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 79
Bi-curious Male, 78


Hooray :!: It would not be summer without news of a December Wigan Munch coming up.
May we come please, Naughty Wigan Couple?
And we like cheesy 80s music:!:
Love Rose and Paul
A great evening - we had such fun.
Thanks so much to Redgirlmanc, Ginger Jo and Lee for all your hard work to make it happen.
And thanks to all the people on the grass outside, for great conversations on a lovely warm balmy summer night. I remember every word (and every deed), even though I found I could not walk in a straight line!
See you all next time!
Rose and Paul
Apologies to Kate for messing up your arrangements, but I am afraid we can't make it. A bad case of the lingering snuffles and worse - would want to infect anyone else, it's horrible.
And sorry to all our friends, we'll miss you. Next time we hope ...
Rose and Paul
A bit slow on this one (did I say a bit - months slow).
But could we go on the reserve list in hopes?
Thanks Rose and Paul
Our thanks are even later, but still strong!
We really appreciate all the work that you must have put in Sarah and Mal. A great evening, and really nice to talk to you Sarah.
Great music and singing too - I've nearly psyched myself up to have a go at the karaoke next time!
See you all again soon, we hope ...
Rose and Paul
Well, at least I've got myself a Robin Hood hat to show willing.
Still looking for the Lincoln Green ....
See you all soon!
Rose and Paul
Sorry, sorry, sorry, got caught up in other things. Hope we are not too late to confirm that
... we shall be coming to the Ball...
Rose and Paul
Mr and Mrs Naughty Wigan Couple, you really are the best event organisers ever. Four Wigan Munches in a row we have now been to and every one a winner!
I don't know about this smoking ban, but you really do meet the nicest people in the sin bin, and have the best conversations even though your teeth are chattering.
As well as old friends, like the lovely Cherrytree, it was great to meet new people like Flirtygirl and Anais.
And to see the whoremaster of last time in a kilt this time, that was something.
But what is a Wigan Munch without Roverman, where are you, come back, we need you.
Thanks again to the naughty Wigan Couple and all helpers.
Love Rose and Paul
PS When is the next one?
Dear Easy and Mistress Sassy
I am ever so sorry we won't be able to come to the Munch tomorrow after all.
We shall miss seeing our friends - and the people who might have become our friends.
Have a great time everyone ....
Rose and Paul
Quote by Cherrytree
Thanks guys. I'm so used to having someone with me, it's scary - Im scared of imposing myself on anyone, scared of anyone thinking they have to look after me, scared of those moments when everyone is talking to everyone else and I'm sitting looking around like a lemon, etc

We've met you at previous Munches and we're going to at least one of the same autumn Munches as you. Just for the record, it's a delight to be with you, alone or not. No question of imposition, looking after you - and you certainly never look like a lemon!
Looking forward to seeing you! Rose and Paul
Quote by playinglady69
biggrin PLZ everyone who i have emailed about the munch PLZZZZZZZZZZZ email me bac to let me know for sure if u are coming or not many thanks :D

We haven't had an email. Does that mean we're not on the list? Do you need an actual email address? Or do you use PMs?
Sorry if we've got hold of the wrong end of the stick!
Rose and Paul
Quote by playinglady69
biggrin PLZ everyone who i have emailed about the munch PLZZZZZZZZZZZ email me bac to let me know for sure if u are coming or not many thanks :D

We haven't had an email. Does that mean we're not on the list? Do you need an actual email address? Or do you use PMs?
Sorry if we've got hold of the wrong end of the stick!
Rose and Paul
I know we haven't got round to getting ourselves vouched for yet, but I've also realised we can't come after all.
Thank you for being willing to welcome us, and have a great time all of you.
Rose and Paul
Could we have an invitation please?
We're not chat room people, but we do post.
We have also been to quite a few Munches and love them! Though I have to confess they have mainly on the other side of the Pennines (shock, horror).
Hope to met you all soon.
Rose and Paul
Dear Fabio
We have been hearing for so long about what a lovely person you are that we'd really like to meet you.
Can we come and help you celebrate your birthday?
Yours Rose and Paul
PS You may have guessed that it is Geordiecpl2001 who have been spilling the beans
And us too please. I think / hope even we can manage to plan 6 months ahead.
The high point of the Christmas calendar already...
Rose and Paul
OK, OK, we're another pair of late applicants, spurred on by the lovely time we had at the Wigan Munch.
Could you please put us on the reserve list, which sounds as if it is getting big enough for a whole Munch all on its own ....
Yours Rose and Paul
Hello, we are Rose and Paul from Yorkshire. We'd like to come to the social if you think we are close enough to your criteria.
We have been around for a while, but we have mainly been to Munches / Socials / Clubs in the north / Lancashire / West Midlands. So I'm afraid we do not know yoo, and I don't think we have met anyone who has so far posted on this thread - though we did chat briefly to Blackboyjoy at the Wigan Munch in (?) March. But that is a bit flimsy.
So what dd you think? Would you be prepared to issue an invitation?
Yours Rose and Paul
Thanks so much to you, Naughty Wigan Couple - yet again. You are fantastic Munch organisers.
And this time, you made us all feel so safe, with all these security guards, police, mounties, medics, soldiers ... (Actually some of the soldiers were extemely sinister ...)
I think one of the more surreal moments was dancing with all these sexy people, and suddenly noticeing a boy scout behind me!
Anyway, we had a lovely time, really enjoyed chatting, dancing, drinking. Thanks again to all the organisers, and to all the company.
Rose and Paul
Quote by philstarnchoozy
just to confirm
we will be there
and still doing the disco.
if anyone wants to put together a list of tunes they would like to here or types/style of music then feel free to post them.
phill now ducks for cover and waits for all the crap stuff to appear. lol bolt

We've been off line for a while, but have just checked up to see how excited everyone is getting. Answer seems to be very excited!
Well, so are we! I think there is no hope of getting Paul in a uniform - other than a traditional male party uniform - but I've ordered mine and am picking it up on Friday, so I can prance around at home on Saturday practising ...
Now I've a dreadful feeling that the music I like will count as crap, but please please can we have some old faves like Beatles, Stones, Abba ....???? Special request for Man after Midlnight (with a bit of luck could be appropriate ...)
Look forward to seeing you all....
Rose and Paul
More thanks for a wonderful evening - to everyone, but especially to RedGirlManc for making it happen.
We enjoyed the people, the dancing, the drinking, the chatting, the general convinviality and bonhomie - and of course the good behaviour!
Did you say you are brave enough to run another one? We'll be there.
Big, big thanks.
Rose and Paul
Quote by m&f fun
just to confirm that we wil be coming.
Never been to wigan what are the people
like lol

With the Naughty Wigan Couple, I think you have your answer - great! (And great Munch organisers)
Good job you're so organised, Mrs NWC, as I could not remember if we'd confirmed.
Also my 'watching the topic' does not seem to be working, so good job Geordiecpl2001 alerted me.
So, loud and clear biggrin
'Yes, we're confirming please'
Can we confirm too please.
And hotel list would be helpful - like bLEEp said, any indication if there is one where people are clustering?
Looking forward to seeing you all.
Rose and Paul
The invite is open to all members that fall under the rules, you dont have to know me personally. You on the on the list guys, look forward to meetin you.
I know we don't technically have to know you personally, it just seems a bit cheeky to invite ourselves to someone's birthday party!
Anyway, thanks so much for the invitation, we look forward to meeting you to, and could we have a hotel list sometime?
Rose and Paul