I managed to get into chat when the site first cam back online, using my Hudl2.
No matter what size screen resolution I used I could not access any other room. I could click on a room, but the option to enter, or enter in a new tab wouldn't appear. If I held the device in portrait I could not see either cams, or members/room lists. If I held the device in landscapre, I could not see text. The layout and font size does not automatically change size to fit the screen as it did before the upgrade. I've just checked another site's chatroom and the problem doesn't replicate itself there.
Then it kicked me out of chat. No matter what I did I could not get back in.
So I fired up my pc, and the only way I can gain access to chatroom using it is via "Open with security features diasbled"
Once in, there's a hell of a lag from typing and entering, and seeing the text appear in the chatroom.
I hope these little bugs will get sorted soon...
The Queen of Spades usually means a white girl who has sex with black men.
Surely the SNP will win more seats than UKIP or the LibDems?
Ah, well you see, I didn't say I was going run purely on LPG. If I fit LPG it will be as an induction kit to improve combustion of the diesel. Diesel engines burn approx 85-90% of the fuel; by adding LPG to the diesel/air mixture you can improve that to 95%, so you extract more power/energy from the diesel, plus the engine runs a lot cleaner.
I'm thinking about converting my diesel to run on LPG. It depends on the price of LPG in the next few months.
I never watch soaps, but the biggest plot twist must have been at the beginning of season ten of Dallas...
Apparently Clarkson reported himself over this incident, only a few weeks before his contract is due to expire, and just before he (and the other two presenters) were about to renew their contracts.
Is this a ruse so they can sign a new megadeal with Sky instead...?
The BBC holds the rights to Top Gear and Clarkson gets a nice hefty chunk of proceeds, so it would have to be a pretty good offer to move from the BBC.
RIP Sir Terry.
You will be missed.
I like the final few tweets on his Twitter page:
Unfortunately I shall be at work that night.
After a great performance in Paris at the weekend I think Wales will have just enough confidence back to match Ireland. So given home advantage I reckon Wales will win. I can't see Italy or Scotland winning any more games.
I also think England will beat France, so the championship will be a three way tie settled by points difference.
Have a look at these sites for some general hints
Most places will require a credit/debit card to make a booking/reservation, but when you checkout you can usually pay by cash, thereby you don't leave a trail on your card.
Best check with your choice of hotel that they're happy with that arrangement.
Or pop down to a major Post Office and buy a prepaid debit card and use that.
Back in the early 1990s I worked at Millbrook Proving Ground; I often recognise it in films and ads
The Top Gear Truck Driving Challenge was filmed there.
When I worked there I met Tiff Needell and Chris Goffey (both presenters of the original Top Gear) as well as numerous Formula One and rally drivers.
When Sarah Kennedy was on Radio 2 she used to refer to breasts as breasticles.
Could be worse.
In 2005, Carson Williams, an American electrical engineer, wired up his house with approx 16,000 lights; he then synchonised them to music; Wizards in Winter, from The Lost Christmas Eve album, by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. He broadcast the music on a low power FM frequency, available to passers-by in their cars.
And mine's a mars bar vodka. Ta.
The cynic in me says that whilst the celebs may be shocked and amazed that private photos have been leaked online - if they're upset why store them online anyway? - they are also privately happy that their profiles have been raised, both literally and metaphorically...
There is one couple on here whose main profile picture is of the wife's ankle complete with bracelet.
When I was a sixth-former back in the early eighties one of the girls in my year used to wear an ankle bracelet; she was known as the school bicycle...
I don't understand why those whose profiles state they're looking for couples or bi-females look at my profile...