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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 59
0 miles · Leicestershire


Quote by Toots
I managed to get into chat when the site first cam back online, using my Hudl2.
No matter what size screen resolution I used I could not access any other room. I could click on a room, but the option to enter, or enter in a new tab wouldn't appear. If I held the device in portrait I could not see either cams, or members/room lists. If I held the device in landscapre, I could not see text. The layout and font size does not automatically change size to fit the screen as it did before the upgrade. I've just checked another site's chatroom and the problem doesn't replicate itself there.
Then it kicked me out of chat. No matter what I did I could not get back in.
So I fired up my pc, and the only way I can gain access to chatroom using it is via "Open with security features diasbled"
Once in, there's a hell of a lag from typing and entering, and seeing the text appear in the chatroom.
I hope these little bugs will get sorted soon...

and now?
I can now access the chatrooms via android device again. I can now access different rooms, the join or join in new tab option now appears under the room name. However, I still have same problem re landscape/portrait; whereas before the upgrade turning from landscape to portrait and vice verse the chatroom would automatically change font size and aspect ratio to fit the screen, since the upgrade the font and aspect ratio remains fixed, which means I either see the cams* but can't see any members names, or see who's in the room but not what they're typing...
* I like the fact that I no longer have to use my pc to view cams but not liking missing the chat.
And I've checked another forum's chatroom, and again I cannot replicate the problem.
Rotating the device in any other part if the site and everything auto resizes as it should, it's just the charoom which is the problem.
I managed to get into chat when the site first cam back online, using my Hudl2.
No matter what size screen resolution I used I could not access any other room. I could click on a room, but the option to enter, or enter in a new tab wouldn't appear. If I held the device in portrait I could not see either cams, or members/room lists. If I held the device in landscapre, I could not see text. The layout and font size does not automatically change size to fit the screen as it did before the upgrade. I've just checked another site's chatroom and the problem doesn't replicate itself there.
Then it kicked me out of chat. No matter what I did I could not get back in.
So I fired up my pc, and the only way I can gain access to chatroom using it is via "Open with security features diasbled"
Once in, there's a hell of a lag from typing and entering, and seeing the text appear in the chatroom.
I hope these little bugs will get sorted soon...
The Queen of Spades usually means a white girl who has sex with black men.
Ah, well you see, I didn't say I was going run purely on LPG. If I fit LPG it will be as an induction kit to improve combustion of the diesel. Diesel engines burn approx 85-90% of the fuel; by adding LPG to the diesel/air mixture you can improve that to 95%, so you extract more power/energy from the diesel, plus the engine runs a lot cleaner.
Quote by Toots
The truth is out there

Stolen, and posted on other forums. lol
I'm thinking about converting my diesel to run on LPG. It depends on the price of LPG in the next few months.
According to the RAC diesel is even worse. Fortunately I run mine on veg oil... biggrin
I never watch soaps, but the biggest plot twist must have been at the beginning of season ten of Dallas...
Agreed, it was an excellent game.
And thanks to some poor decision making by the Irish my prediction was correct biggrin
One indiscretion amongst many does not preclude being awarded Man of the Match; if it was the first offence then it would have just been a penalty.
It's now down to the Scots to decide who wins the championship. If they lose heavily today then England could have a better points difference than Ireland going into the last round, but Ireland would arguably have the easier game... Wales will have to have a very big winning margin next week to overhaul Ireland.
Quote by minikat
Apparently Clarkson reported himself over this incident, only a few weeks before his contract is due to expire, and just before he (and the other two presenters) were about to renew their contracts.
Is this a ruse so they can sign a new megadeal with Sky instead...?
The BBC holds the rights to Top Gear and Clarkson gets a nice hefty chunk of proceeds, so it would have to be a pretty good offer to move from the BBC.

There's no such thing as BAD publicity innocent
What are the ratings like for the current series?
I'm a member of various 4x4 Owners Clubs and internet forums, and previous series have had threads along the lines of Top Gear's back on Sunday nights, followed by posts praising it and how various items/articles/celebrities were funny etc
This series has seen no threads regarding Top Gear; in fact no one has even mentioned this latest bruhaha, let alone the whole series. Which for petrolheads, dieselheads (and in my case veg oil head) is almost unheard of.
So if Clarkson was looking to jump ship,then yes,it's good publicity.
Clarkson himself has hinted that all good things must come to an end.
Especially as revelations now suggest that he also had a 30 minute foulmouthed rant threatening to have someone sacked, in front of members of the public, (a family.) For some reason one member of the family says their night was ruined by Clarkson, whilst another member has backed Clarkson...
Apparently Clarkson reported himself over this incident, only a few weeks before his contract is due to expire, and just before he (and the other two presenters) were about to renew their contracts.
Is this a ruse so they can sign a new megadeal with Sky instead...?
The BBC holds the rights to Top Gear and Clarkson gets a nice hefty chunk of proceeds, so it would have to be a pretty good offer to move from the BBC.
RIP Sir Terry.
You will be missed.
I like the final few tweets on his Twitter page:
After a great performance in Paris at the weekend I think Wales will have just enough confidence back to match Ireland. So given home advantage I reckon Wales will win. I can't see Italy or Scotland winning any more games.
I also think England will beat France, so the championship will be a three way tie settled by points difference.
Have a look at these sites for some general hints

Most places will require a credit/debit card to make a booking/reservation, but when you checkout you can usually pay by cash, thereby you don't leave a trail on your card.
Best check with your choice of hotel that they're happy with that arrangement.
Or pop down to a major Post Office and buy a prepaid debit card and use that.
Back in the early 1990s I worked at Millbrook Proving Ground; I often recognise it in films and ads

The Top Gear Truck Driving Challenge was filmed there.
When I worked there I met Tiff Needell and Chris Goffey (both presenters of the original Top Gear) as well as numerous Formula One and rally drivers.
Quote by Katniss

Noooooooo lol really?????????? I thought thats what I wore on the morning school run dunno
No truth in the rumour that you go commando...?
When Sarah Kennedy was on Radio 2 she used to refer to breasts as breasticles.
I wish there was a corresponding drop in the price of veg oil... my car runs luvverly on sunflower oil biggrin
Could be worse.
In 2005, Carson Williams, an American electrical engineer, wired up his house with approx 16,000 lights; he then synchonised them to music; Wizards in Winter, from The Lost Christmas Eve album, by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. He broadcast the music on a low power FM frequency, available to passers-by in their cars.

And mine's a mars bar vodka. Ta.
Well, the title of the thread does say 6/7 July... I guess everyone thinks you're planning ahead lol
One of my teachers at school way back in the early eighties was called Mr Pratt.
Unfortunately for him, when he was born in the thirties prat wasn't used much as an insult, so his parents called him Huw... lol
The cynic in me says that whilst the celebs may be shocked and amazed that private photos have been leaked online - if they're upset why store them online anyway? - they are also privately happy that their profiles have been raised, both literally and metaphorically...
Given that one of the main reasons Scotland agreed to a political union with England was because they were bankrupt, can England ask for several hundred years' worth of interest be paid upon a Yes vote?
And has anyone pointed out that Scotland may have some oil reserves, but it won't last long if they keep deep frying all their food...? lol
Quote by Max777

Maybe more could always tell us what your view would be if Mrs Thatcher is found guilty.......I answer quite clear with my questions....But it seems others don't want to answer that !!!!

Dean, two things. Thatcher will NEVER be found guilty. She is dead and therefore can never be trialled. Secondly, you are asking people to condemn her on the say so of an article in the Daily Mirror, a rag that hates Thatcher and all she stood for.
You say you have weighed up the evidence and therefore you think it's likely she is guilty of the allegations made in the Red Top. Please enlighten me as to the 'evidence'?
Jimmy Savile was dead and buried before allegations came out into the public eye, yet he's been condemned and vilified, had his honours stripped etc.
Like Thatcher, he cannot be tried and found guilty in a court of law, yet...
Quote by GnV
Great Britain gives more financial aid to Syria than any other European Nation.

When did Syria join the EU?
More worrying just now than the subsidised booze being served in the Palace of Westminster is the claim about rings in the 'mother' of all Parliaments and the subsequent 'cover ups' and lost dossiers...
AFAIK Syria hasn't joined the EUm, but that doesn't mean Great Britain can give them more aid money than any other European country can.
If anyone is deluded that MPs are overworked and underpaid, have a look at this website:

MPs can receive payment for going on television and radio programmes to promote their own party policies...
And when they're not working for their constituents, they can earn money making speeches at universities, working as company directors, working as lawyers (one MP claimed he was working on a complex case full time for several months and claimed tens of thousands of pounds!!), writing newspaper columns...
And then they get freebies such as flights to New York for themselves and their families, tickets to opera, theatre, music gigs, sporting events etc...
There is one couple on here whose main profile picture is of the wife's ankle complete with bracelet.
When I was a sixth-former back in the early eighties one of the girls in my year used to wear an ankle bracelet; she was known as the school bicycle...
I don't understand why those whose profiles state they're looking for couples or bi-females look at my profile...
Re Scottish Independance:
I work with two Scotsmen and as they live in England they are not entitled to vote.
My English mate who lives in Livingston is entitled to vote as he's on the electorial roll up there.
He's already told me he'll vote No, as will all the other English guys he knows north of the border, just to piss off the natives lol
When you say 21M Scots live in the USA, do you mean 1st generation Scottish, or 21M who claim Scottish ancestry? My grandfather was Scottish, theroretically I can represent Scotland at sport, but that doesn't make me feel Scottish. Although I do like single malt whisky, haggis, Irn Bru and deep fried Mars bars...