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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 59
0 miles · Leicestershire


In the three years I've been a member, I've met three couples here, all through conversations in the chatrooms.

There's another couple with whom I've had many pleasant conversations in th chatrooms who have wanted to meet me, but we've never been able to find a suitable time.

Up until yesterday in the chatrooms, I could view a list of members in the roomroom/list of rooms, view list of who was camming, view cams and read and type chats, all at the same time.

This morning, in every room I've visited, I can view a list of members OR view a list of rooms OR view a list of who's camming OR view cams OR read/type chats. 

Any ideas what's happened?

Not much fun chatting to someone who's on cam when you can't view their cam...or having to stop the chat to oggle...

I'm using an android device (hudl2), and I've not changed any settings.

I'm on holiday next week and at the moment have nothing definite planned for Tuesday...

Since the referendum is not legally binding, I'd like to think that Cameron and/or a delegation of MPs will go back to Europe and suggest that in return for our pro-EU MPs voting against repealing the various acts of 1972 to allow the UK to leave, the EU renegotiates some of our deals and allows us to set our own rules regarding immigration, benefits etc. Then once a better deal has been granted, Cameron can then go back to the country and offer another, legally binding, referendum.

If not, I can see the SNP saying that as the majority of Scotland voted to stay in the EU, what right do the English have to vote to take them out of the EU, and hence insist that another Scottish independence referendum is held. And this time I see a Scottish "yes" winning. And Sein Fein wanting a NI referendum too.

Quote by herts_darlings1
When you grab them by the balls, there hearts and minds will follow. (Anon)

 Said by Theodore Roosevelt.

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” - Groucho Marx

Hi are you aware of the lag in the chatroom tonight?

You know you're getting old when you immediately think there's an ex convict in the chatroom...

Les Misérables

Just got this on dvd, haven't watched it yet thou.

Get the hankies ready...

The French or English version?

The English version.

For my second op on my eye, I took in War and Peace. That I only managed 350 pages before losing the plot...

Les Misérables

Just got this on dvd, haven't watched it yet thou.

Get the hankies ready...

Having worked in a slaughterhouse I know the quality of meat sent to factories and supermarkets... I only buy meat and meat based products from independant butchers nowadays.
Re place names: try putting this postcode into Google maps, NR17 2LS. Other online map providers are available too...
Perhaps they're mathematicians, and get easily confused between Halloween and Christmas; Afterall, 31Oct=25Dec...
I'll get my coat...
Leave them outside, since UVB doesn't pass through glass.
To increase absorption, place them gills up. Or slice them to increase surface area exposed to the sun.
I shall be spending the rest of the day in bed.
The delights of working nights...
Quote by fair2share
oh we are around, im just near racecourse.... would be good for some locals just to post on here
sarah xx

Holy thread resurrection Batman...!
My parents live in Herefordshire so I'm often in the area...
Depends on how much time and effort you intend to put into the site.
I found that using the chatrooms everyday was the best way to build up a circle of friends; having a typed conversion in real time was much better than placing or replying to ads.
Quote by Toots
Have you tried using the mobile App ? ?

I'm still having the same problems re chatroom using android; the mobile site won't open at all, just a white screen, and the regular site still won't auto size, so I only see part of the chatroom.
Most of my time is spent in chatrooms, and all of my meets have come about due to chatting to other members.
If the site continues to be so user unfriendly, then I cannot see myself renewing my subscription. Shame, cos I've had a really good time and have met some wonderful people here.
Quote by Cubes
I just tried chat (not the mobile version) on my iPad and it all seems fine to me. However, that was using the iPad in landscape mode (sideways). When I turned it round to portrait mode the right hand menus vanished because the screen isn't wide enough. Seems you need to use landscape mode. :thumbup:

I mentioned this in another thread last week re my Hudl2.
If I use landscape then I can't view cams and read/write in chat at the same time. The problem doesn't replicate itself in other furums' chatrooms.
Whilst I still have a functioning computer, I rarely use it to access the interwebby now, and I don't want to start it up just to enter a chatroom.
The mobile version doesn't want to play ball with my hudl.
Quote by Toots
A solution was offered to you both when we spoke in chat. *smiling*
Um, not sure there is much can be done about what you say but will flag it up, but look on it as 'finger' exercise

Go on then, for those of us who weren't in the chatroom at the time, what is the solution?
You'll have to ask the above members
Err, no, it's not for other members to relay what they were told in a chatroom, especially as they have no record to refer back to...
Quote by Toots
A solution was offered to you both when we spoke in chat. *smiling*
Um, not sure there is much can be done about what you say but will flag it up, but look on it as 'finger' exercise

Go on then, for those of us who weren't in the chatroom at the time, what is the solution?
Having just posted the above (and also) this post using my android, there's no preview button a la IE...
It's post it and see what it looks like and edit if required.
Quote by Toots

I generally use IE when on my pc, and have not had any problems. I'm currently using firefox, and again, no problems

You're probably using a late version of IE and a reasonably uptodate version of windows, older of the both and it's
not going to play happy

Windoze Vista & IE9
The site keeps promoting me to update IE to a later version, but Microsoft says I'm using the latest version.
Er, first two attempts to quote above post took me to the Report abuse page...
I know I've got phat fingers, but I'm on my pc so I'm using a mouse...
Quote by Toots
We've spoke, you're using IE, part of the problem.
Now you've downloaded Firefox hows it pan out?

I generally use IE when on my pc, and have not had any problems. I'm currently using firefox, and again, no problems
Yep, found the link in another thread; all I get when clicking on the chatroom is a white screen.