Children of men
Up until yesterday in the chatrooms, I could view a list of members in the roomroom/list of rooms, view list of who was camming, view cams and read and type chats, all at the same time.
This morning, in every room I've visited, I can view a list of members OR view a list of rooms OR view a list of who's camming OR view cams OR read/type chats.
Any ideas what's happened?
Not much fun chatting to someone who's on cam when you can't view their cam...or having to stop the chat to oggle...
I'm using an android device (hudl2), and I've not changed any settings.
Since the referendum is not legally binding, I'd like to think that Cameron and/or a delegation of MPs will go back to Europe and suggest that in return for our pro-EU MPs voting against repealing the various acts of 1972 to allow the UK to leave, the EU renegotiates some of our deals and allows us to set our own rules regarding immigration, benefits etc. Then once a better deal has been granted, Cameron can then go back to the country and offer another, legally binding, referendum.
If not, I can see the SNP saying that as the majority of Scotland voted to stay in the EU, what right do the English have to vote to take them out of the EU, and hence insist that another Scottish independence referendum is held. And this time I see a Scottish "yes" winning. And Sein Fein wanting a NI referendum too.
Quote by Toots
Have you tried using the mobile App ? ?
Quote by Cubes
I just tried chat (not the mobile version) on my iPad and it all seems fine to me. However, that was using the iPad in landscape mode (sideways). When I turned it round to portrait mode the right hand menus vanished because the screen isn't wide enough. Seems you need to use landscape mode. :thumbup:
Quote by Toots
A solution was offered to you both when we spoke in chat. *smiling*
Um, not sure there is much can be done about what you say but will flag it up, but look on it as 'finger' exercise
Quote by Toots
I generally use IE when on my pc, and have not had any problems. I'm currently using firefox, and again, no problems