Join the most popular community of UK swingers now
Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 55
Straight Male, 55


Don't worry just  go to any bar, and 'help with your life style will find you' smile


Pattaya, has 2 t;s in it!!! smile

It is currnetly hot and warm, loads of building works being carried out, the beach from Dusit to approx. Soi 4 is closed for re sanding..................

Street food is ok. Going to try oshi in Central Festival fl 6, one night!!

Hello, welcome back.

From the names in your OP, I know where most of them are, all are ok and enjoying life!

Some drop in from time to time smile

GZF.......goldfish, goes on

SH weddings, babies, and very sadly funerals are all part of life......

Quote by essex34m

Quote by Sarah

Quote by essex34m
As usual, a great social weekend spent with the usual suspects, I thank each and every one of you that I encountered for such an enjoyable weekend.

Many thanks for Try2 for putting this shindig together.

See you again in Feb.
Been out tarting again??  rotflmao.gif
 Of course not! I have been my usual, well behaved self.

Well that will be a first!!

Quote by essex34m
As usual, a great social weekend spent with the usual suspects, I thank each and every one of you that I encountered for such an enjoyable weekend.

Many thanks for Try2 for putting this shindig together.

See you again in Feb.

Been out tarting again??  rotflmao

Quote by essex34m
I asked to have my name on the reserve list, and this has not been approved. Do I need someone to vouch for me? Looking through the list, I know a few names, I can pay someone to vouch for me. They are cheap, they won't say no.

H I can defo vouch for essex34m smile n
Would have vouched for 34, but not seen a request for one?
Thanks lovely but no request for vouching has been asked, I'm just covering all bases to make sure I can get on the list.
I know essex34m as well, and am happy to vouch for him........................ spend may an evening in his company biggrin
I can vouch for -loz- as well !!
10 years, where has time gone...................................
Private parties
Pub meets
Folks getting together, kids being born
And very sadly attended funerals, those folk will never be forgotten.
10 years ................
Quote by Corrie2015
Corrie...I know at 22 I am getting on a bit these days.....but hey I can swing my pants with the best of them....and remember...I'm good....very good !!! smile

Good to see you still here old man lol xx
Hello Corrie wave
Dean's bun is still dancing, and 22 who the fck is he kidding!!! :giggle:
Happy Valentine's Day
Currently there are none planned.
There are a lot of social events.
Thank you for looking.
Sadly it has not helped.
Something else is now being tried.
Help please
Apple mac book pro, will turn on but only to the start screen, started in the safe mode but still nothing happens.
Any thoughts please as to what we can do?
Ty xx
Quote by deancannock
Sarah, have a rather suspicious look on your face !! Was it fibbing now !!!

Who me? lol :angel: I never fib :lol:
Mind you too much sunshine may have caused odd things to happen!!! xx
Quote by deancannock
My avatar was a dancing bum picture. It goes back years and was actually two pictures that switched....but made it look like I did indeed have a dancing bum !! However just noticed its disappeared....anyone seen it around....I used to like that picture as well !!!

Well I can see it, and it is dancing!!! :giggle:
A couple of lads from work have got tickets for games in Milton Keynes, and that is all they are talking about, thye have ages to go yet. lol :lol:
Why not ring Liberty's and ask them for the local taxi number.
Quote by gagmaster
Hi got a really hot young cutie coming around tonight and i hope to have a great time with her in the bedroom got some ney sextoys that advise to use some ky cream as they are on the larger size . I dont have any ky cream to hand and just to lazy to go out do you guys thing that Athlete’s foot cream would make a good replacment ,please advise asap

'young cutie' coming round, and you cannot be bothered to go out and get any ky................
Oh dear what is the world coming to................
Send her a text and ask her to pick some up on her way to yours.
Select photos from the left hand side menu, then along the top the upload tab, select the ones you want to upload from your machine, and upload, they will then be approve by one of the mods
Quote by tominnlondon
could I get an invite?

Can you let me know where this is ment to be and I'll move it for you.
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Cock Inn? :grin:

No that is not in London but Thailand!! lol
Quote by TheRose
Im bad... i look at everyone's profile, i come across. Im nosy....
I like pics and words. To get an idea of folks. Im a profile slut, that way biggrin

wave hi how you doin? xx lol