Don't worry just go to any bar, and 'help with your life style will find you'
Quote by essex34m
Quote by SarahOf course not! I have been my usual, well behaved self.
Quote by essex34m
As usual, a great social weekend spent with the usual suspects, I thank each and every one of you that I encountered for such an enjoyable weekend.
Many thanks for Try2 for putting this shindig together.
See you again in Feb.
Been out tarting again??
Well that will be a first!!
Quote by essex34m
I asked to have my name on the reserve list, and this has not been approved. Do I need someone to vouch for me? Looking through the list, I know a few names, I can pay someone to vouch for me. They are cheap, they won't say no.
Quote by Corrie2015
Corrie...I know at 22 I am getting on a bit these days.....but hey I can swing my pants with the best of them....and remember...I'm good....very good !!!
Quote by deancannock
My avatar was a dancing bum picture. It goes back years and was actually two pictures that switched....but made it look like I did indeed have a dancing bum !! However just noticed its disappeared....anyone seen it around....I used to like that picture as well !!!
Quote by gagmaster
Hi got a really hot young cutie coming around tonight and i hope to have a great time with her in the bedroom got some ney sextoys that advise to use some ky cream as they are on the larger size . I dont have any ky cream to hand and just to lazy to go out do you guys thing that Athlete’s foot cream would make a good replacment ,please advise asap