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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 47
0 miles · South Yorkshire


Happy Birthday Shiiiiiii! passionkiss x x x x
Hope you have a lovely day! smile
Can I have a pump up yer bum please? hump
(p.s- Forget lurpak, I got Bertolli! :lickface: x x)
Quote by Cocksnogger
Ooh count me in please smile
only if i can slip you 1 or 2 :twisted:
ffs Jase...stop scaring people away! :kick:
Trix, pop my name down please kiss I wouldn't want to miss this occasion....Jase buying the beers, I mean! lol
Lai, stonkyrub for you, my lovely :bounce:
Hey up! wave
Can you squeeze me in please?? :huh:
Sheffy :swingingchair:
Hi meggo...Im defo up for it, I just won't be able to confirm until Saturday itself. Is that too late to let you know?
Hey Kellcraig smile I'm defo interested, could do with a good night out!
What are your plans? x
Hiya cocks!
Please put me down as a maybe, if that ok?....although after seeing that spyder-zous is on the list, i may confirm sooner rather than later! lol
Hi Cocks!
Put my name down please, I'll be able to make it this time!
This will be my first, can't wait!
I don't know if you were considering me, but I can't make it now anyway. sad gutted!
Hope you all have fun!
Hi cocks (and everyone else!)
So sorry, I couldn't make it on Saturday night, I was really looking forward to it too! I was sat in a hospital in Bridlington until 9:30! My mate broke his leg, I had to drive his car home, didn't get in til gone 11pm, so I think it would have taken the saying 'fashionably late' to the extreme! lol!
I hope you all had a good time and Im gonna make sure I don't miss the next one!
See you all soon!
well, i joined after 31st july, but if you have enough room for one more, pick me! lol! xx