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Straight Cis Male, 66
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ALWAYS the MALE on this profile .... My girls have their own individual profiles .... We don't do role play, cyber or kinky games, this is how we live our lives full time. W/we are an M/s power dynamic relationship.

You don't love a slave because she is beautiful, she is beautiful because You love her. 

BDSM Master of my collared, registered and branded two slaves and thirteen other female bodied submissives including a trans male crossdressing puppy He/Him pronouns. Some live here full time some don’t but would be as well to they are here that often (-_^)

I am 66 years young, with over 45 years experience, operating out of Cornwall. I am very voyeur. I am a Master, not a Sadist, and all limits will be respected, but boundaries always pushed.

My lifestyle choice is Domination and submission, where people live their lives opting by nature to be either Dominant or submissive: in a relationship the one complements the other and is based on the gift of submission and absolute trust.

So, this is my opinion of what a Master should be, and the characteristics that I believe I have, and how it works in my relationships with my girls ...

A Master is a strong, Dominant man, and I believe that I am just that. I am confident in my manner, and above all I try to be a gentleman. I love females, and I love being in their presence. I think I am a giving, caring, loving and understanding Master, but I suppose only my girls will know the truth about that (if they know what's good for them ... 😉).

My girls offer themselves to me freely, and of their own choosing. Each of my girls gives the gift of her submission willingly, and in return I protect, care and love her with my very soul. She is obedient to me because she chooses to be; not because I force her to be. Her life is about pleasing me, her Master. She will do whatever I ask in order to meet my desires because of who I am, and not what I do.

A slave is special and rare. When taking on a slave I believe that I should cherish her, and put in the time to discover what it is that drives her to want to live as a slave. We all know that it is not an easy life, and indeed is not for everyone. I do not try to take away her identity or try to break her; a good slave needs to have spirit and, of course, a great deal of courage.

I always respect the limits of my girls, but push their boundaries. I teach each of my girls that her submission is strength and not a weakness, that her thought processes can be changed, and that nothing in this short life is out of reach if she really wants it. I spend time building her confidence and raising her levels of self esteem and pride in who she is. I allow my girls to grow and develop into the women they have always desired to be. I train my girls with love and affection: unlike the training portrayed by BDSM porn movies. My girls are trained in development and they are given the room to willingly serve me with loyalty and respect.

If discipline is ever required, it is always done lovingly, but firmly. At these times I am never angry - there is no place for anger in this lifestyle: we leave that kind of rubbish for the vanillas to dwell in. My disciplining is never physical; it is always psychological and it is always done out of love and with respect.

As a Master, it is down to me to care for the well-being of my girls, and to love and protect them. When one of my girls is scared of failure or doubting her ability, I will be there to hold her and give her the support that she needs to find herself. I will have seen into her heart and held it in my hands. My girls are my most treasured possessions, and I make sure that they know that every day.

So there it is - my profile as a Master: strong, confident, loving, caring and gentle. It's probably nothing like what you expected to see, but being a Master isn’t only about the physical aspects of the relationship: there is also a lot of emotion. Any wannabe can swing a flogger at a willing subject, but a true Master can caress his slaves/submissives with a mere glance of his eye from the other end of a room: what my girls call “The Look” - they also tell me that it can just as easily be used to communicate my displeasure.

As I said before, this is only my definition of what a Master should be. However, if you have read this far and are now asking yourself "how can he know this; how can he possibly have such a strong opinion of himself, and of his girls?", the answer is not hard to see by the people who know me and see what wonderful girls I own. I know these things because I feel them in my heart every single moment of my life.

Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment …. Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power….. Lao Tzu


Honest, Professional Genuine Master. Was a pleasure to meet him and his amazing girls. Cant wait for the next visit. xxx
Unknown User
The Master that all respect, admire but largely cannot emulate - however they may try.A pleasure to call Brother.


B & D
S & M


Age: 18 - 30
Distance: 30 miles