I'm back too ... watch what you say
1: The Birthday Party - Junkyard
2: Scott Walker - Scott 2 or The Drift (depends on what day it is)
3: Marvin Gaye - What's going on
4: Barry Adamson - The murky world of Barry Adamson
5:BeBop delux - Sunburst finish
6: David Bowie - Aladdin Sane
7: The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
8: Bjork - Post
9: The Boo Radleys - Giant steps
10: Every other album I like .... ten isn't enough
Quote by Lizaleanrob
Why do nationalised industries have to be profitable?
Quote by MidsCouple24
Nationalised industries that never turned a profit, what like British Airways, British Gas, British Telecom, the electricity companies, the water companies never did! Oop's my mistake, suddenly remembered they did, loads and loads of profit. As did the tote and Stenna Sealink and Gleneagles Hotel.
Quote by Too Hot
We are easily fooled into believing that this is all the fault of the Western Crusaders.
Quote by MidsCouple24
Possibly an aside but can anyone name any terrorists who have quoted their religion as the reason for their actions rather than western foreign policy ?
It strikes me that rather than jumping to conclusions about radical religious belief we should start to address the reasons why people might become radicalised
Quote by gulsonroad30664
Because the case for climate change is not being made by government -most if not all of whom are in the pockets of oil companies,who's interests aren't served by the debate- but by Scientists : the idea that climate change is a revenue/warmongering construct is contradictory to say the least
Quote by flower411
It never ceases to amaze me how self righteous people get about our driving ability ..... There is a study should any of you care to search for it that shows a huge proportion of us when asked rate ourselves as above average drivers .... Including those in prison for motoring offences ...... There are indeed idiots at the wheel and we can all at times number ourselves amongst them
Quote by flower411
It never ceases to amaze me how self righteous people get about our driving ability ..... There is a study should any of you care to search for it that shows a huge proportion of us when asked rate ourselves as above average drivers .... Including those in prison for motoring offences ...... There are indeed idiots at the wheel and we can all at times number ourselves amongst them
Quote by gulsonroad30664
carbon tax. carbon tax offsets. goldman sachs. global warming. climate change. copenhagen. cat out of the bag. carbon footprint. glaciers melting. icecaps reducing. oceans rising.
absolute total load of bollox serving a political/taxation/population reduction agenda.
psuedo science bullshit.
totally proven in the collapse of the copenhagen accord when the russians challenged the data created by the u.n.'s centre for climate change studies at the east anglia universities goldman sachs funded research centre as having been corrupted and not the data that was collected.
i say again, if you reduce the carbon footprint of a continent like africa (reduce coal, parafin, diesel and any other manner of fossil fuel consumption), where the vast majority live at just subsistance level, you will kill them by the millions.
mans growth in numbers is directly proportionate to his increase in energy flux density per square mile/killometer and any decrease in that density will reduce the population.
now which naive phuckers amongst us is going to choose who is going to live and who is going to die ? none of us, the ruling elite will decide and you aint one of them !
note :- not conspiracy theory, not off a conspiracy website just common sense
Quote by foxylady2209
Cutting benefits does not move people into work. WORK moves people into work. Job Centres should be measured on how many claimants THEY get into full time jobs each year. The online application process is like spitting into the sea - a theoretical effect but no practical use.