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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 53
0 miles · Greater London


Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Oohhhh, I just love the dogging scene in Kent, best place in the country for fun wink

Please let us know when you are in the county again Naughty as I'd love to pay you a visit :lol:
SteveO :wink:
Quote by Cubes
There are only two types of album - private and public. You can either view them or not - no distinction for blocked members. If the photos moved to a private album it would be because they moved them.
This is the point where Admin comes along and tells me I'm talking out of my ears! ;)

Thanks Cubes for your quick answer
was chatting to a couple today in the chat rooms & I could clearly see there profile pics on there profile page. After what I thought was a pleasant chat & pm sent I went back onto there profile page only to find no profile pics & they had been moved to a private album. Don't think I offended them & was wondering if this is what happens when you are blocked
The bloke's obviously an idiot & he got what he deserved.
Quote by surreypete
Well done for getting some action, well done also for telling everyone about your exploits, telling them the area and completely ruining it for yourself in the future.
I don't understand the brag mentality doggers have, If you have something good, keep it to yourself and you'll get it again, post it all up on the internet and you'll have kids, police and god knows how many doggers now after your little bit of action.
Good whilst it lasted I guess

Spot on Surreypete, hence the above postrolleyes
Quote by gmeyers_jr
Anyone going to Erotica this weekend? I'm going on Sunday with a female friend and we would be interested in saying hello to anyone from here. Drop me a line if interested in a friendly chat in person.

Hi Jason
I think Erotica 2010 starts on the 19th November?
Definately gives a new meaning to the words "pay & display" ! lol
Went past the infamous dogging park in Maidstone today & noticed that they have fitted gates over the entrance. Am I right in thinking they now lock it up of a night now? :sad:
It is Blue wink but we have sexy couples on here like yourselves who have great profile piccies that keep us going til theres a break in the weather biggrin
Quote by Berkshirefun
Because It would cost me to now upgrade my account. Try doing it and you'll see.

Yeap, cost is :shock: . Not sure if you can create another account as a couple & leave your single male account alone?
Have you reported this? Can't believe they're "not interested"
Yeap Chatroom tonight is offically up the shitter! Shame it's not usually this bad, gonna have to have an early night now!!
Hi Darren
Any luck? had the same urge myself & only just got back-nothing!! :cry: . Hope you had better luck than me!
No Details/Pics on your profile guys as to what/who age etc you are after.
As you are very near to me if you have more details I maybe interested? wink
Agree with you Taff smile Kent Dogging fun is very difficult to find at the moment, any clues please feel free to PM me wink
Can you put me on the list as well please? Cheers
Yes mate it is, some even turn up on bicycles others on foot!.
Hi Ellejohn
Would love to meet up with you on Saturday,please PM me your location & rough time etc & I look forward to seeing you both
SteveO biggrin
Could do with some more flashers around our way too! wink
Hi People!
If you need a helping hand or a discrete voyeur give me a shout as I'm in & around that area tonite too! smile