Does anyone on here own a B&B or hotel or know of somewhere were a couple of fuckbuddies can get a bed for a few hours in or around Warwick? Not looking for a handout, will pay for use of your spare bed? Message me....
Apart from a few scattered locations there doesn't seem to be much of a scene in South Warwickshire, which is a shame as there are so many potential sites. Of the top of my head and by keeping my eyes open whilst out working I bet I could come up with 10 great sites and another 20+ potential sites.
Is anyone around this way intrested in generating awarness of the dogging potential that South Warwickshire has to offer?
I've tried submitting prime locations and directions to this site but so far haven't seen them published in the Dogging Locations list. So, I've decided to submit them here instead...
I'd also like to stand up in defence of single males; I have been let down by any number of couples and single fems over the past 6 months. I agree that single males have a bad name and would seem to be in short demand but this is unfair.
Some of the couples I know say that they won't normally swing or dog with single men because they are worried they might get attacked or something; I don't want that association made with me! I just want the same as everyone else, but with such negative attatudes towards us what chance have we got. I reackon that most girls take one look at my photo and see a tall powerful bloke that could do them some real harm and ignore me... I sort of understand this logic, because you can't be too safe; but I'm also a little insulted because I'm actually a real nice geniune respectful person, and people passing character judgments on me pisses me off!
I was wondering the other day if there could be a rating system similar to ebay, whereby members could leave feedback on other members based on there ACTUAL experiances; that way you could see at a glance if someone is punctual and not too pushy or a faker or a nutcase... In reality it would be hard to get on the rating system, because no history is the same as a bad history in some peoples eyes, but it could be made to work?