This may sound rude and I don't intend this to be but do you 'moderator' guys understand the effect of what you write?
To be honest,not just you but the 'regulars' on , guys like 'Dominic' deserve to be shot down - but to other people who maybe do not have the confidence to post heaps of thoughts/desires/opinions then your reaction to some posts is SO intimidating that it may put people off.
I for one am so wary of writing 'the wrong thing' that it has taken me a while to write this.
I am part of a happy loving couple who would like to play a lot more but, to be honest, am really wary of posting on the forum.
I am not trying to be funny but to an outsider this site appears really 'clicky'.'Dominic' may be a prat but do you have to tell him so forcefully and so often?
Just a thought friends,just a thought.