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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 52
Straight Female, 48


Just for a laugh I'll post one I wrote years ago...
Silent, shine her sapphire eyes.
A tiny twinkle teasing there
Inviting evening's cool embrace
Around her soft, white skin. Her hair
An auburn glow as moon caresses
Soft and silken. Subtle senses
Lost within her lifelong tresses
Til passion's fire relents, and hence
I lay entwined in arms of velvet,
Tasting scents on night's sweet breeze.
Inhaling deep of ardour's smell, yet
Lost in her I aim to please
Then miss a little just to tease
A torture I perform with ease
As now with grinding hips we meet
To make our one brief night complete
With eyes of fire that sear the soul
Her movement now beyond control
Towards her inner goal she strives
As both our bodies come alive.
And then, so suddenly we cease,
Our essence joined in shared release.
And as the stars above us shine
We start again. We have the time.
Quote by splendid_
I know what you mean tantric. In an ideal world etc etc.

Dayum, two posts to my name and I've been busted as an idealist already. I guess there's no point trying to make the "life is what we make it and if we were all idealists...?" argument?
Hadn't thought about the nutter issue though, I must say. But then again, not being one it's a concept that doesn't hop onto my thought train that often. I can understand how that could well be a problem, though.
It's just occurred to me, I didn't cause offence to anyone with my post, did I? Wasn't my intent if I did. I just like to be provocative, it's a kink of mine.
Anyway, you've had my opinion on the subject, nothing will be served by me rambling on any more.
Quote by firelizard
Hi Tantric
The only issue you did'nt address as far as I can see is the issue that many people have jobs or worse whole careers they can not afford to lose if they are found to be swingers. Therefore they don't show their faces until they trust the person they are showing.
Fire x

Hi fire,
The paragraph, and apologies if you missed it in the midst of such a tome, that talked of job security and public reaction is where I attempted to address that idea. If we all behave like it's normal we aren't likely to get sacked for it.
Incidentally I'm genuinely curious here, what professions are we talking about? I can't think of any jobs where a genuine case for dismissal could be made on the grounds that someone was a swinger. If people have lost jobs this way then I hope to (pick a deity, I'm not fussy) they challenged this and pushed through an unfair dismissal claim. Let's face it you don't get sacked for having an affair and at the end of the day the only difference is we're honest and not prone to deceit - commendable qualities in an employee, wouldn't you say?
My first post on here and I am beginning to fear it may be a contentious one.... but here goes.
When it comes to the subject of putting face pics on profiles I would almost go as far as to say the site admin should make it compulsory in the site rules... hear me out...
As "swingers" (I hate that word, but hey..) we enage in sexual activity that is, on the whole, not considered normal. Abnormal only in that we are honest to ourselves and our partners about what we do - look around, all the non-swingers are shagging each other left, right and centre, they're just lying to their partners about the fact, but I digress. However, if you look at the profiles on this and other sites you will notice that everybody is at it. People from all walks of life, all backgrounds, all creeds and religions are represented, and I'm willing to bet there are loads more that don't advertise. My point is that though what we do may not be "considered" normal, in actuality it is normal (in as much as that word means anything) to be non-monogamous. What the hell has this got to do with face pics?
Well, every time we hide our behaviour and/or identity it is like admitting to ourselves as well as sending the subtle message to others that there is something not quite right about what we are doing. Does anybody on this site truly feel naughty for engaging in their nocturnal (and frequently diurnal) activities? We certainly don't.
Surely if there is nothing wrong with what we are doing then we should not be exhibiting any shame behaviour at all and should in fact be proud of who we are? I know many will argue about job security and public reaction and the like but in retort I would like to draw your attention to the shift in public reaction to homosexuality since the Pride marches started. If we act shameful the public will always react scornful, by acting shamefully we give them the idea we are doing something wrong in the first place.
Told you it would be a contentious post....
And it hasn't finished yet either....
Because my second point also needs to be examined, and that is it makes for some bloody awkward moments where there need be none. Many times we contact or are contacted by people with no face pics on their profile and we will enter into an exchange. Then face pics will be sent and we will realise that, shall we say, no attraction exists for one or other of us. Now we aren't shallow people, surely this post demonstrates as much, and so while personality can make the plainest people look like gods and goddesses for some of us it't! Sorry! At this point we are forced into the situation where, despite their protests to the contrary, we know we are hurting someones feelings. Do you follow me? This is an unecessary awkwardness that could so easily be avoided.
But anyway, I'm bored to tears from typing all this drivel so I can only imagine how anyone unfortunate enough to read it all must feel so I'll stop.
Bye for now
(Stella would never type this much crap)