Well - most certainly not a beginner, or a timewaster - in Bury that evening so Prestwich is on me way - most certainly not a lightweight - and Itrust the invite is for improper rather than prim and proper.
Hoping this finds you in a generous frame of mind
Seems quite clear to me
There are couples and lasses who like group attention and our man sems to want to set up a group to meet that need in Leeds
There is at least one group in Manchester that meets from time to time as requested by such couples and ladies, so if anyone on the better (that'll get it going) side of the hill wants to know more then just ask
you have mail - er male - er oh dammit
Careful Steve - one of these self styled mods might censor you if they don't like your post again
Who are you calling discerning and educated pal???
I'll sue!
after I get my invite!
You've been watching too much Stanley Kubrick - and I don't mean 2001
Have been known to visit Liaisons on Thursdays.......
Haven't been to Macc for yonks - seems a long time ago aince Kings!
Love to hear from you - wait your reply
A date for each review - that way we will know if comments are recent or prehistoric
Free for couples on Mondays - see you there - except I have to pay
Looks like you could already be busy.
Drop me a line if you are still looking and we can touch base further
No replies - what's wrong with you guys - Liaisons Friday night???
So I suppose as a long time lurker I'll get binned too awgghh!
I can see Chorley from my computer room too! :swingingchair:
I became involved for a while with someone with this condition until his death just short of the age of forty a few years ago. He became a valued and dear friend
Ian had the same qualities, guts, cheerfulness, irrepressibility, and the wit to take the pee out of anyone around him.
If you think you ever have problems think of someone with EB