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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 69
Straight Female, 70
0 miles · Cornwall


Hi, sorry but Marshy and Mutts wont be able to get to this as something else has come up, and very special friends of ours are going, so, errrm, we are as well. redface
Quote by mollman1
Anyone not wearing a uniform will have to pay a fine on the door .............
See you all next weekend, we are off line for a few days but will get the invites out early next week (proably Tuesday or Wednesday) and we are off line on Thursday (watching my sexgod Meatloaf in Manchester) :P

All i can say is some people have no taste in sexgods rolleyes i mean Meatloaf :shock: :shock: And i thought you had better taste than that Mrs NWC wink :wink:
We are off to see one of Busty's sexgods on Tuesday.... the great Bryan Adams :haha:
See you next Saturday you sexy lady and i will be the one running as fast as poss....
No point in running Mollers m8, she'll find you.
Me, im gonna keep very still so maybe she wont notice me. :shock:
Quote by Marcuso
Of course, as long as don't wear the red shorts! lol

And what's wrong with the red shorts? :twisted:
nothing as long as they on the floor next to the bed :rascal:
ello marcuso kiss
hannah xx
Are you propositioning me young lady?
That's very naughty, go straight to my room.
:twisted: passionkiss hump blast
You'll never get propositioned wearing them shorts :shock:
Other than a proposition for a small bonfire that is. biggrin :D :D :D
Dunno how we missed this.
can you put Muts and Marshy on the list please hun xxxxxxxxxxxx biggrin
This is to confirm Mr Muttley and Marshmallows
Please put our names back together
Many thanks
Just to let you all know we are no longer a couple.
We are still best friends but now we are singles.
We will travel together to munches and events still for convenience, unless she gets a better offer lol confused
So be gentle with 2 newbies :shock:
Pm box is open and emptied in anticipation of hundreds of messages with enticing offers biggrin :D :D
Dammie....we know you are THE chin up mate and see you soon. biggrin You aint to blame so dont say sorry.
Muttley here. biggrin
Ok, we are up and about, and just about able to type.
Thanks soooo much Vicky for another brill munch, as well as everyone else who put so much effort into this.
We met loads of new people, and of course all our old friends.
will do a list of peeps later, when coffee has been consumed in abundance.
But for now, let me just say that we so enjoyed seeing all you lovely folks.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :D :D :D :D
Quote by djcouple
Hi Vicky with the nw munch being a valentine ball is there any sort of dress code ??? or is it smart/casual
Mish xxxx

Go in your Birthday suit :shock: smile
Thats a bit too smart/casual :shock:
Quote by Darkfire
A ballgown? :shock: :shock: :shock:
I don't own a dress never mind a ballgown! confused
DG wanders off to ponder the nick of her wardrobe!

Me either DG! - done it once, not doing it again!
but please folk, stop panicking over the theme ! I bought it up because there hasnt been much mention of the theme but knew there was one.... you dont have to do the theme at all if you dont want to , same as any Munch - its just a giggle, that's all - for those who do want to dress up, any dress will do, it doesnt need to be a 'ball gown'!! :scared:
Some will have something suitable that they wore for my doo back in Sept, charity shops and Ebay are fab for bargains....think Valentines....think red...lovey dovey fluffy stuff....think seduction & :rascal: ...think optional!!!
says she, who doesnt do dresses, or fluff, or romance :giggle:
you get the idea...i'll be going now! bolt you go now dear rolleyes :roll: wink
Anyone know where the list is??? :?
Quote by Lilmiss
please may this shy quiet innocent your girl come???

You innocent??????????? cough cough
If you need a lift, just shout
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mum

Errm, Dad 'ere, i hope you gonna behave yaself at this one, you norty girl. smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Quote by Lilmiss
please may this shy quiet innocent your girl come???

You innocent??????????? cough cough
If you need a lift, just shout
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mum
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
eeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm, we are two innocent newbies, but could we possibly have an invite, pretty please? biggrin :D

Erm, erm. erm ......
Oh go on then, while its you two wink but I really hope you have read the rules for munches :wink:
Cant wait to see you both again kiss
Oh yes, weve read all thats required, honest we have rolleyes
We promise to be very good :shock:
And cant wait to see you again either :D :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya Jackie...can you put Muttley and Marshmallows on the list for this please.
Thanks biggrin :D :D :D
Steve and Gilly
Confirming........dont know if weve already done it, but if so then we are confirming our confirmation. biggrin :D :D :D :D :D
eeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm, we are two innocent newbies, but could we possibly have an invite, pretty please? biggrin :D
Both our thoughts are with you at this very sad time. If you need ANYTHING you know where to find us
Gilly and Steve
Unfortunately, Muttley and I are no longer able to attend this event.
Hope you all have a lovely time
Blackpool is too far i spose rolleyes :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
We are having a NYE party and you would be most welcome. wink :wink:
Quote by Darkfire
I have a better idea - you can come and play barman for the evening, my wish is your command wink

i'll be you barsteward hunny. rolleyes :roll: :roll:
Why grow have be all responsible and careful etc then....why bother when you can have fun instead. biggrin :D :D :D
Quote by sLeeper
wasnt far behind you then Earthy lol - currently working on how to get optics on the hotel wall without beng done for criminal damage :giggle:

this should do the trick biggrin
Its got a droopy end....i do hope this isnt a trend for the event :shock: :shock: :shock:
We can nail it to the doorframe so peeps can get a drink as they arrive. :lol: :lol: