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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 62


Hi Grotmeister
please put my name down I will be great to see you again.
Take care
Tiger wink
hi SE London Gang
I would like to meet up with you guys.
Where abouts in Tower Bridge is it?
Hi Grot
Please add me to you list would love to met up with the Kent crowd.
Karon biggrin
Hi everyone
I having a lot of trouble getting into the chatroom and sometimes once I'm in a chatroom it will freeze on me.
Can anyone help? sad
K xx
Hi Brighton
the only thing you need is Approx £16 single or £26 for a couple. You're given a towel and a locker on entry.
There is a lounge area with a bar if wish to order food tea coffee etc the cost will be debted to your locker number and you can pay when you leave.
It is so relaxing.
K xx
Hi Phil
Yes I adore bristol gardens I been on my own and with friends. It is very quiet in week however in the weekend is couples nights and it is fabulous.
Bristol Gardens is the best Spa that I have been too in the Uk. It is well worth the is a roman spa and is well maintained and the staff are very there are rooms to play in.
As in most naturist places it is advisable for woman not to go on there own during the week.
K xx
Hi Everyone
I'm going to be in Brighton on Firday anyone want to meet up.
Let me know
Tiger xx cool
Hi All
I'm staying down in the Brighton area on Monday want to know if anyone would like to jion me at Bristol Gardens.
cheers cool
hi guys
I'm a virgin to SH meet ups and I love Spa's.
It would be great to meet some of you guys and girls.
Karon x