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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 54
0 miles · Leicestershire


Only branded names for me everytime.
Goes for food aswell,however,there is a cider from Aldi's (you'd never catch me in there) (snob) called "Taurus"
Someone bought me some last week and it was rather jolly pleasant!
Two Tramps were wallkng down the railway one day and one Tramp said to the other, “I am the luckiest guy in the 
“Why is that?” asked his mate.
“Well, the other day I was walking down these here tracks when I found a £20 note. I went into town and blew it all on alcohol and I was drunk for three 
“That’s nothing,” said his mate “I was walking down these tracks a few weeks ago when I found a beautiful naked woman tied to the tracks. I untied her and took her up into the trees and had mad sex with her for a 
“Jesus,” said his mate “you really are the luckiest guy alive, did she give good blowjobs?”
“Well, no,” he replied “I never found her 
I know the person above (Bambi) is wonderful as
she was the only one who could be bothered to welcome me back on the forums after a two year absence smile
I havent been here since 2007,so wondered if the bar was still open...ahhh,happy days
As it says on the tin,im not new here,just haven't been here since 2007,but i'm back (didn't even notice i'd left did ya ) pfft.
I probably know no-one here now apart from a few maybe,so i'll have to start all over again..happy days!
Well the parents have taken my kids on their hols for the week,so here i am home alone.
If there are any females out there who fancy a cuppa and some adult fun,gimme a shout.
Non pushy male, just looking for a little bit of fun.
Afternoon or evening meets.
Toodle-pip x
Quote by naughtynymphos1
plus your profile says your single confused if you've been together a long time surely you didnt forget you had her??

No, not at all, she lets me swing alone, so she isn't mentioned in my profile!
She drinks about a litre and a half of water a day, but we both eat garlic at least six times a week!
Ok, i gotta be careful how i word this as i want it to come over as a genuine question and not crude!
I am very fortunate to have a lady partner who absolutely floods when she cums...and i mean flood!!
The thing is,this evening she flooded 3 times and it didn't taste very nice at all!
Now i have heard that a Males seamen taste can differenciate due to his diet,is this true,i don't know!
My partners cum tastes a lot like sea water,very salty.
Now my other half is Asian and so consistantly eats food from her origin, could this be an issue?
I did actually tell her this evening that it didnt taste very nice, we have been together a long time, so this conversation was plausable.
She was a very tiny bit embarrassed and so she suggested i ask you people for a possible answer!
Happy Birthday St3v3,thanks for helping my friends out tonight (you know who they are) (regulars)
And thank you for your prompt replies!
Ramble all you want, i gave up the idea of a meet hours ago.
I posted far too late anyways! confused
Thank god for that coz i aint got muscles or a uniform, although i was a postman years ago if that counts lol.!
Plus telford is full of roundabouts..not much of a turn on that!
On the plus side there are lots of army folk living in uniform etc etc.
Sunny leic haha, yeah, right!
Well hello you two, long time no hear?
Thought ya moved?
Anyway,enjoy your evening! biggrin
Ok, i know it's a little late in the day, but if there are any ladies out there interested in a little adult fun tonight or tomorrow night then get in touch.
Pm me.
I am a full member and have been for some time so there will be no let downs....can accomodate!
Ta-Ta smile
Been here and have been posting for a while,so established,also live in Leicester so would love an invite if poss!
Thank you Please! smile
Quote by westerross

Ha-Ha, like it (bows down to the bigger guy)
Just realised i have been a member 2 years today!!
It's been lotsa fun i tells ya! wink
Thanks dawnie!!
Not saying i'm going to, just wanted to check if i wanted to.
I've been around here long enough not to post it on the forum,just messages.
Thanks for you help!
Hiya frecklebird, no i meant in the personal messages for msn purposes or correspondence!