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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 58
Bisexual Female, 45
0 miles · Lancashire


Hi h sorry we are going to have to cancel , we have a room Friday and Saturday if anyone's looking for one , private message as we don't get on here often , hope you guys have a great time xxxxx

looking forward to seeing everyone again it's been a while, we haven't booked our hotel yet so anyone with a room they don't need get in touch xxx 

Quote by apey_kinks
We don't drink anymore ;) xxx

and I'm a virgin........honest :angel::angel::angel:
Can i take kinks cherry then (Di) woohoo xxx
off to partners on sunday just wondering if any other couples off single women are thinking the same
If anyone has a room they aren't going to use can you let us know , there isn't any left in the main hotel we will give you what you paid for it, you think I would learn not to leave things to the last minute ????????????????
Quote by cherube
could i put my name down please x

can we claim you first for some shots lol
confirming my attendance :taz:
dirtydiane30 confirms aswell but is too lazy to turn her lappy on lol
Quote by dirtydiane30
Please may i be added to the list i'll be a good girl :twisted: :twisted:

Do you know how to be good ???? I dont think so lol :lol:
Can I put me name down please better put the boss (dirtydiane30) down aswell lol
Quote by HnS
Well rooms booked , so thats probably the most costly part sorted...........roll on the party :happy::happy:

innocent i wish.... my most costly part is defo the alcohol drinkies
It's ok Di- put it on Mr Bitch's tab wink :twisted: lol :drinkies:bolt
Champers all round im thinking :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
me n apey will settle for a few tins of sprouts please mmmm they were yummy x x x
sprouts ??????????
(note to others - keep up wind :lol:
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sprouts satans bogeys they are :twisted:
and if princess di requires champers so be it :wink:
dont wanna cause a stampede but just booked hotel
foooooooooookin bargain 15 quid :bounce::bounce::bounce:
more money fer ale now drinkies
can i confirm for myself, tppnorth, jezebel, and another as discussed other night midnight
fan choo
now wheres the bar :beer::beer::beer:
can i put my name down please even if it's just to spoil easyfuns night lol wink
just need a date now ??????
put me down
not certain if i am free that w/end but will check and confirm lol
and where we stoppin
and do i have to wear kays dress again lol
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
Quote by Sassi
me me me can i come please :happy::thrilled::happy:
might not behave myself this year tho :beer:smackbottom:cheers:whip
thank you upfer x x x

No..............yer barred :twisted:
:2fingers: shurrup you it aint your do to bar me from :kick:
Maybe not.............but i WILL make sure ya gets barred wink
hahaha sheer is on my side lol kiss
Quote by Sassi
me me me can i come please :happy::thrilled::happy:
might not behave myself this year tho :beer:smackbottom:cheers:whip
thank you upfer x x x

No..............yer barred :twisted:
:2fingers: shurrup you it aint your do to bar me from :kick:
me me me can i come please :happy::thrilled::happy:
might not behave myself this year tho :beer:smackbottom:cheers:whip
thank you upfer x x x
me me me me :beer::beer::beer:
Had a great time last year from the few hazy bits i can remember through the beer fueled fog smackbottom:smackbottom::smackbottom::smackbottom:whipdrinkies:cheers:
also :happy: my leg be all better by then so no stopping me not that much stops me anyway :taz: wink
ps tell Mr wade i need a drinkin partner :drinkies::cheers:
Quote by Sassi
can i come please lol
as long as me leg is better by then :lol:
other wise can someone nick me a wheel chair
:happy: :happy: :happy:

Oi........... i'm not nursing ya all night......... or pushing ya wheelchair round wink
do as your bloody well told
errrrrrrrrrrmmmmmm please :lol:
Ok, guess who's in for a night of pure grief then :twisted:
ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you lol :twisted:
p.s any chance of a flogging too ????? :whip:
Quote by Sassi
can i come please lol
as long as me leg is better by then :lol:
other wise can someone nick me a wheel chair
:happy: :happy: :happy:

Oi........... i'm not nursing ya all night......... or pushing ya wheelchair round wink
do as your bloody well told
errrrrrrrrrrmmmmmm please :lol: