I now have to work part of the day Friday, so rather than spend an evening travelling I’m going to a party on Friday evening closer to home.. After I have finished dying out of my arse Saturday, I will then travel to Cov Saturday afternoon lol xx
Quote by Flying_Nut
Hi All,
Current plans are to be there from Friday eve onwards. I'm on my own so just wondered if anyone else who was there on Friday eve fancied meeting up for a drink or a meal? Friday night alone in Coventry doesn't appeal that much so will have to look for a club or something nearby if not.
Chameleons is not far from cov
Thank you so much to everyone, I can honestly say Friday night was storming followed by an equally enjoyable social on the Saturday evening. I am beyond exhausted but happily so.
Gareth and Sally all I have running through my head is *88*... I’m naked and don’t take the socks too..
Lapua thanks for the delivery of Nobbly Boblies whilst Gareth was running between cars trying to retrieve his clothes
Loz as per previous social you have done an amazing job, as did sue. Plus thanks to Try for doing the disco.
Lady C you saved my ass as I was going up the motorway, you’ll never know how grateful I was for fishy fingers going up the motorway when I was starving lmao. Well who couldn’t love scampi fries right?
I don’t know who was pouring my drinks Friday night but they were definitely not small shots and I apologise for anyone who was live viewing my Boobs lmao
I can’t face unloading a boot of alcohol right now but wanted to say Much love to you all and till the next time! Xxx
Ps Cassie you were as fit as fuck as per normal
PPS Liam just remember I love you lol
Hotel room check, kinda only booked this last week lmao
New underwear check
New clothes check
Wonder woman Pjs in case the fire alarm goes off at
New makeup pallettes 3 of them yes so I have a choice lmao (Your welcome to borrow cassie lol)
A boot full of alcohol well girl needs to party with her friends ya know!
Sweets and crisps too soak up excessive consumption
Obligatory bag of tricks
I think I am actually ready LOL
Would just like to say a BIG thank you to Loz and Bethian for organising and running the Coventry social and for Try’s Input with the venue and music. Was lovely to see familiar faces and some new ones too. Although my head was elsewhere and my party spirit somewhat lacking, I promise the next time I’ll be back to me! Thank you again