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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 51
Bi-curious Female, 49


out dogging sat night, don't want the usual sites need some secret places that the idiots don't know about, please send us a message if interested  

Been to big waters twice, both times loads boy racers buzzing around, we need to compare notes discreetly so they dunno where we are, looking for places too ????
we are looking for places also, everywhere either dead or boyracers
wouldnt you think they would have something better t do on a friday night !!!
hi tyne can u put us down please?? missed the last few cos of work...plenty time to get time off!!
can u put us on reserve will let u know if we can make it by sat 17th cheers
cant make it gotta work, hopefully we be there for next one..... have fun ppl xx
Alan & Kay
Quote by northeastcoupleuk
Look peeps the list is now closed
will put a reserve list up but after convos we had yesterday some people have brought it to our attention that they were going to tell other s not on list the venue .we have to say do not tell others the meet up place or times please

can u put us on reserve will let u know if we can make it by sat 17th cheers