I'll certainly saddle up to ride with that sexy filly.
I got very close to a female colleague a few jobs back; she was 7 years older than me, great body, confident and very sexy. It started with a bit of flirting, which to be honest was rife throughout the company but then quickly develop to a bit more when one day she reached down to feel the growing bulge in my trousers.
The flirting and touching carried on, escalated to kissing and playing with her tits and then I got some amazing blowjobs from her in the store cupboard, archive room and even on the factory roof (we had to go up there to do some environmental monitoring each week). She would often say let's see how many times I can make you cum today and 3 or 4 times on some days wasn't uncommon.
One day I was in the store cupboard kissing her and offered to go down on her; within a minute she was shuddering as she came on my tongue. I knew what was coming next as she lent against the wall and guided my cock in to her; I can't tell you how good it felt. I must have fucked her 3 times a week for about 6 months in various places around the company. She confided in a mutual work colleague and at one point they got me in the archive room together, locked the doors and then tied my hands to the storage racking (only in a pretend way so I could escape). The other work colleague who I hadn't ever considered to be the slightest bit interested then proceeded to unbutton my jeans but like an idiot I bottled it! The colleague I had been enjoying many a happy moment with later told me that the other colleague was well and truly up for it and I could have enjoyed them both sucking my cock. Unfortunately I missed the chance.
The fucking at work continued until one day when the rest of the team were in the factory and we were in the archive room with my colleague bent over, pants around her ankles and me fucking her from behind whilst playing with her amazing tits and suddenly the door burst open and in walked another member of the team - she saw more of my hard cock than I would ever have hoped and it took the other 2 female colleagues to persuade her not to report it. Unfortunately the shagging at worked stopped shortly after that but I look back with very fond memories.
Can you pm me the location, only lived around here for 10 years and don't know what long hill is!
Gutted I missed this, would love to watch some time and John in if invited.
Whereabouts in North Lincs will you be; I am interested.
Guess this is too late but if you are looking for a local male for future meets please pm me and I can give you access to my pictures as well.
If you want an arranged meet then let me know. I much prefer to have something arranged rather than just turn up on the off chance.
You will get a response from me, that is for sure.
Gutted I missed this, how about some time next week?
I have been visiting some woods near Scunthorpe recently and they have been very quiet with no action. Might be a good spot to meet for dogging as the scene seems to have move on from there. Happy to meet up if you are interested and will send pics if so.
Got me interested, how about Thursday night? If interested I will send pictures.
I cannot believe that you haven't been inundated with responses on the forum. Your are one of the sexiest ladies on SH! Wish I was nearer.
OK I stumbled upon a new location tonight. Popped to the shop for some bread and decided to visit a car park that I always thought had potential. Was pleased to find one couple in there who were willing to be watched.
PM for details.
Sorry I didn't get your mail until late Saturday. Free tonight if you are.
I will be in a hotel in York from 27/04 for the week. If any single females or couples fancy joining me one evening in my room please let me know. Couples, I would be more than happy to just watch you playing.
Any couples or sinlge ladies fancy some dogging fun on Monday night? Or even meet for a drink and go back to your or mine? Please PM me, reply here or email me.