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1 month ago
Straight Male, 57
Bisexual Female, 57


We will be in Gran Canaria in June, for the second naturist holiday there. Here is hoping we enjoy the naturist days and dressed for fun evenings as much as last time.

We are having a party on 16th April for couples and singles. If interested let us know.
Would like to meet another couple or small party meeting for full swap Saturday evening. We will fully swap at the meeting and if there is an additional male so much the better. Perhaps a drink forst and then fun afterwards.
I do not generally kisss the stangers who have sex with me until after sex when I usually kiss them as a thankyou if they have made me cum. Men that I go with regularly get kissed a lot though - my husband says he is often turned on more seeing me kiss other men than watching them go inside me. I love to kiss a man's nipples (and ladies)during sex, even with people I have just met, but not on their lips - thy often tsake this for an invitation for deeep tonguing - I have to have had sex with a man many times before I enjoy this type of kissing.