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Straight Male, 43
Bisexual Female, 44
United Kingdom


Work drinks with Tom (Part 2)

Charli brings home a colleague to play while hubby eagerly watches on....

Charli looked back at me and smiled. She wiggled her ass about playfully as Tom's cum slowly dribbled out of her. She turned her full attention back to him again and sunk into his chest, whispering and giggling. I have no idea what was said but quite frankly....I couldn't care. As her chest met his it caused her back to arch downward, exposing her perfect, creamy mound. I looked at Tom's cock, I could see every one of his...

Score 16 16
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Work drinks with Tom (Part 1)

Charli brings home a colleague to play while hubby eagerly watches on....

Charlene met Tom through work a few years back. I remember her coming home telling me about this guy she had met who caught her attention. As we sipped wine she teased me playfully about his perfect smile and rugged good looks. She was clearly captivated by him and I would soon find out why. That weekend she had arranged some drinks with her colleagues and invited me to meet them at a bar near our place. The work crowd wa...

Score 18 18
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