As a firefighter, i can certainly recommend the fitting of one smoke alarm on each floor of your property.
Your local fire service should fit them for you free of charge regardless of yr age or circumstances.
The ones we fit now have a silence button to prevent nuiscance alarms caused by cooking and steam which have led to people removing batteries in the past.
Now for the bollocking!
You were lucky on this occasion that it was just a wicker bin on fire, what if you had opened the door to find a fully developed fire and clouds of toxic smoke? One lungful would be enough to render you incapable of helping yrself to safety and one more would have you unconscious! You also opened the door onto the landing and allowed the fire and smoke to travel rapidly thru the house making your rescue a much more hazardous operation for the firefighters.
Get out, stay out and get the fire brigade out! as true today as it has ever been. The "things" in the bedroom can always be replaced, your family can never replace you! It's just not worth the risk going back into the property.
Never worry about calling the brigade to what may only be a smouldering bin, it's what we're here for and there is never any charge even for a false alarm if made in good faith.
Bollocking over.
Well done anyway,