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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 59


Good morning everybody
Just wanted to post a thank you to all the people who took time to bother to post a reply to the thread - all of them are helpful and also helped to calm the jitters! Going to take all advice on board and if anybody has anything else to add feel free! smile
Hi Guys
We're new to this (first time on anything like this!) and frankly we're very nervous confused but nothing ventured...
We've seen some ads we like but what's the ettiquette for replying? I can understand the "no one liners" but how far do you go with a reply? We love to write each other stories to act out/turn each other on and were wondering if that sort of thing was ok..? Also, how can we put this, some of the ads seem just too good to be true if you see what we mean... Anybody into swapping stories/photos? Is this a done thing?
Sorry if all this seems niave, just don't want to get burned and hey, we all have to start somewhere.
Be gentle....