This below is the letter I sent to Jackie, it is part of her punishment for being a naughty girl!!
You the reader, will be the Escort mentioned below.
Jackie, as part of the “I've been a naughty girl” punishment it will be necessary to complete the following photographic exercises within 20mins. The photos will be taken by either me, you or the escort. I realise 20 mins is not a lot of time so I will allow you to select as many activities as you like from the list below (A to M). Once an activity has been selected you must assign a duration to that activity. It can be 30secs, 1 min or 2 mins. But you can only select an activity once.
I must once again inform you that the Escort is only present because he has been chosen by me to be so. They are not there to interfere with our relationship, only to enhance the fun we have. So time is of the essence. Once their role in our fun has been achieve they will leave. We owe the escort nothing except a lot of fun. Once they have left us we will continue with our normal outrageous activities.
The selection from the list comes from a splitting of a pack of cards - rules will be decided between the three of us.